Uncle Dave’s Present

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Every aspect of this story is fictional and every character is 18 or over.



Uncle Dave had always been the touchy-feely kind.

He wasn’t hard to get along with, he was a goofy man with a goofy smile and a goofy laugh that always put a smile on my face when I was little. We lived in a small town, if I happened to hear the trademark clearing of his throat or his distinctive fast paced laugh, I’d always race in that direction.

But now, with his tall, lean, thin frame, and his even more distinctive face and build, with his high cheeks and long chin, his goofy little laughs made my stomach drop with anticipation. I didn’t realize my uncle was attractive until I was about 11, first starting my period and going into puberty. I always thought it was just a stupid crush, a girl can’t help who she finds attractive, but the thing is. It never wore off. Even with my 18th birthday a few days behind me, he still ignited a spark within my tummy that no other boys at school ever could. And it didn’t help at all that his blonde hair had started greying at the sideburns even more than what I remembered from my childhood.

My Aunt Barbara started disliking me when I started filling into my body. Just because I’d earned the ability to swing my hips naturally when I walked didn’t mean I’d lost the ability to hear, as she’d snarl quietly to her husband, “That girl’s growing up way too fast…” To Dave’s credit, he’d just grunt or half-heartedly, silently agree to satisfy her. Part of me hated her for it because I was so young, how dare she badmouth her own niece? But, sometimes, I couldn’t help but let a smug smile slip onto my plumping lips. I was better than her, and she knew it. That was my thought process was at that time, but now, as with age comes wisdom, I started to notice how my sweet, silly, and playful uncle looked at me. Truly looked at me. Maybe out of respect for my aunt, I felt bad for it. But hell, who would i be kidding if I said it didn’t turn me on? And it was a little strange, I’d heard horror stories from school friends about their family looking at them the exact way he looked at me, but it didn’t feel nasty like I’d thought. I felt guilty because of it. What kinda freak am I, enjoying my handsome uncle staring at my ass when he thought I wasn’t looking?

But that guilt hadn’t lasted for long.

My grandma had a bursa escort house by the lake, but it wasn’t big or fancy by any means. It was more like a crackerbox, and luckily everyone lived sorta close, so none of us had to be cooped up on nights like Christmas Eve. And this particular Christmas Eve, things changed between me and my uncle. Drastic would be an understatement.

Everyone was outside, all huddled around the campfire, laughing and talking about whatever came up in the moment. Me nor my dad liked staying outside for too long, but there he was, out there standing with them. I shook my head from the couch from inside the empty house, my legs tucked under me as I read a soap opera magazine that I’d found laying around. I wasn’t big into the soaps scene, but it was something to read while I waited for my parents to finally get tired of being around so much family at once, pile up in the truck, and go home.

I thought everyone was outside, which was why I almost flung the poor magazine I’d been skimming through across the room when I felt a large, warm hand on my shoulder. I whipped around and there was the telltale scent of my uncle, he was one of the only people that smoked cigs around here. My dark green eyes traveled up his white turtleneck and up to his handsome face, where his famous, breathtaking side smile was slapped onto his pink lips. And boy, did they look soft.

“Hey, squirt,” his rich baritone shouldn’t have taken me by surprise, I’d heard it enough in my life to have a sixth sense for recognizing it. “I was wondering where you’d gotten off to, had your old uncle a little worried,” his large hand slipped off my shoulder, slow, as he walked around the back of the couch to plop down on it beside me with a deep sigh of relief. He looked over at me with his soulful but sunken blue eyes in quick acknowledgement as he slid his wiry arms around my shoulders. For such a skinny man, his warmth was almost too much for my already heating body. He’d done that before, plenty. But he’d never been this close, so up against me while sitting down together. It was new, and I’m not afraid to admit that it felt really good.

He was silent for a while, staring blankly at the fire cracking in the old fireplace. And when he finally spoke, it vibrated through my entire body, down to my pussy where I’d been wettening ever since he sat next to me. Now, this was the 70’s. bursa otele gelen escort Kids nowadays know much more about sex than I ever coulda hoped to have known when I was 18. But I knew I had a clit, and I knew Uncle Dave had nice, thick fingers. I wasn’t a total dork.

“Y’know, Lee…you’re developing into quite the young woman,” he murmured low, next to my ear, making sure that he and I were the only ones that knew that this conversation was happening. I swallowed, nodding hesitantly. His hand slid onto my bare leg and rode up into my skirt, leaving a trail of fire from my knee to my inner upper thigh.

He continued, “It’s almost a shame, really. That you’re my niece. I would’ve taken good care of you by now if you weren’t. Would’ve shown you the ropes.”

I should’ve already gotten up by now. Went outside to stand with my parents, I should’ve felt unsafe. But there it was, I couldn’t keep my damn mouth shut. Like usual. “What’s stopping you?”

I could feel him tense against me, his hand stilling. Looks like he wasn’t expecting that sorta response.

His sultry chuckle reverberated through the living room and into my ears, melting me down inch by inch. “Braver than I thought you were, honey…” he purred as his fingers made contact with my clothed slit and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

“U-Uncle Dave..?” I gasped as he rubbed exactly where my clit was. He hummed in question, but he knew exactly what I meant.

“Just relax, girl. I’m just feeling around, trying to get to know you a little better.” He smirked down at my legs, which were starting to shake a little. “If anyone knows his way around a woman, it’d be me, sweetheart. You should be thankful that I’m going to be your first and not some fumbling kid with a 2 inch pecker.”

My first? My first?

His rich words echoed in my head as he tugged at my panties, which had been soaked through onto his fingers. “W-We can’t do anything in the living room, what if someone walks in and sees?”

“Pah. They’re out there talking about the war, it’ll be midnight before they decide to turn in.” His words seemed promising, and it looked like I had no other choice but to have faith in him because he was already sliding my underwear down my shapely legs, which were covered in goosebumps from his warm hand feathering across them. He balled up my underwear and bursa türbanlı escort slipped them into the pocket of his tan slacks, and I did nothing but watch. That’s all I could do. I hoped my skirt didn’t happen to ride up to show my bare ass to the unfortunate bystander that happened to be around at the time.

Dave lifted my skirt and revealed my pussy, glistening in the soft glow of the fire. He whistled through his teeth at the sight, looking up at my face with an expression I could only describe as “shit!”, but in a good way. And with his strong middle finger, he stroked across my virginal hole up to my pulsing clit. My legs were like jelly and my stomach was on fire. His fingers were nice and warm, and he slipped one into me, took me completely by surprise. I looked up at him with my brows knitted in a mix of worry and pleasure.

He looked my face over, and he leaned in, capturing my inexperienced lips with his, swooping me into a deep kiss. God this man’s lips were soft, just as soft as I’d imagined. His other arm was still wrapped around me, pulling me closer. Relaxing, I gave into his embrace and loosely placed my hands on his firm, knitted sweater covered chest. There was maybe a swell of muscle there, but mostly, I could feel his hard sternum against my fingertips. He groaned into the kiss, “Feel my cock, baby..”

I couldn’t think with his now two fingers stretching and thrusting in and out of my soaking pussy, and one hand just slipped down to the bulge in his slacks. It felt weird, the firmness sticking up from between his long, boney legs. I rubbed up it’s length and his breath stuttered against my cheeks. I was drowning in the feeling of this man against me, it barely occurred to me that he was my uncle until I pulled away for air and saw those pretty blue eyes staring back into my own.

He was about to say something, but then his head swung toward the backdoor in the kitchen, where the knob was jiggling. Thank fuck there was a curtain over the window, or we would’ve been dead as doornails.

He pushed me away and snatched my skirt down, scooting quickly to the far end of the couch. Like we’d just been having pleasant conversation this whole time.

“Hey guys!” Called my father and his southern twang, sticking his head in through the crack he allowed in the door. “We’re roastin’ marshmallows if y’all wanna come out and join us.”

“Alright, Sonny. Guess we’ll be out there.” Maybe Uncle Dave knew I couldn’t speak at the moment, or he just said it to say it. My heart was beating out of my chest as I watched my father poke his head back out, shutting the door. And finally, I could breathe.

But this wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.

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