A Walk on the Dark Side Ch. 01

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Suzi studied her naked body in the full length bedroom mirror. She felt a familiar wetness between her legs. It wasn’t the sight of her own body that caused this but rather the thought of what she was going to do with it. Tonight, she had decided, she was going to fuck her husbands best friend!

Her dark chocolate skin glistened in the light. She was proud of her body and loved showing it off. Although she was just the wrong side of 30 she had never had children so her body was still firm. Her West Indian heritage gave her full breasts and hips but she was still slim. She stood 5ft 5ins high and had a 36C-24-36 figure. Her hair was long and black with just a hint of red.

The decision to be unfaithful to Dave, her husband, was taken suddenly but had been on her mind for sometime. Every Friday night Dave went out with his workmates Rob and Sam. They were also both married and the six of them had, on occasions, been out as a group. Sam was Pakistani and his name was really Saleem. The guys at work had decided to Anglicise it – they couldn’t call him Sally so they decided on Sam. He had a lovely young wife called Safia. Although she was only 19 they already had two children. Rob was a bit older – about 45. He was white and married to Anji, who had an Indian background. It was probably this mix of cultures that allowed the six of them to get on so well.

Like Sam, Rob worked with Dave. They had been friends for many years so Suzi knew Rob quite well. Over the past few months Rob had been flirting with Suzi. It was nothing that others would notice but Suzi knew what he was doing. For her part she flirted right back. After 8 years of marriage she was enjoying the thrill of another man fancying her.

Today was Friday. Dave had been working away this week and earlier he had rung Suzi to say that he would have to stay over another night. He also said that he had been unable to contact Rob who was due to pick him up this evening for their boys night out. He asked Suzi to give Rob his apologies when he called round. It was then that Suzi decided that there would never be a better opportunity to get a taste of Robs cock.

Suzi was now trying to decide what to wear – she wanted to look good when Rob arrived. She didn’t really need to wear a bra but she decided that she would because she wanted to show plenty of cleavage. She eventually selected a bra and thong set that Dave had bought her for her birthday a couple of months ago. She had only worn it once before but she thought it would be ideal for this occasion. It was a kind of dark grey colour with red flashes. The bra was quite sheer and pushed her tits together. The matching thong just covered her neatly trimmed pussy. Over this she put on a tight red mini skirt and a white blouse. The blouse contrasted well with her ebony skin and it was also fitted so it showed off her curves to perfection. She admired herself again in the mirror – Rob would not be able to resist her. Anyway, she was sure he wouldn’t even want to!

* Dave sat outside his house and waited. He was feeling pleased with himself and full of anticipation. He had set up tonights situation because he felt sure that his wife wanted to screw Rob. He had noticed their flirting and knew it was only niğde escort a matter of time before it went further. If that was going to happen he wanted to know about it. Not only that, he also wanted to see it!

He had started his preparations last week. He had broken the last two hooks off the living room curtains. When they were closed they didn’t quite meet in the middle. He had checked the view from outside and the three inch gap was enough to see virtually all the room. They had a conservatory on the back of the house which was never locked so he wouldn’t even have to stand outside. He had then arranged for a garage to service his car on Friday. He had dropped it off this morning and they had given him a courtesy car. This meant he could sit in the car outside his house without being noticed. Finally, he had rung his wife to say that he would not be home this evening. He had given her the message for Rob, but of course he hadn’t even tried to ring him.

Dave saw Robs car pull up outside his house. When Rob opened the door and the interior light came on Dave was dismayed to see that Sam was also in the car. He hadn’t planned for this because Sam usually met them at the pub. All this planning had been for nothing. Rob probably wouldn’t stay at the house for long and, even if he did, Dave could not get to the back of his house without Sam seeing him. Dave was very disappointed.

* Suzi opened the front door. Rob was stood there with a sexy smile on his face.

“Hi, Suzi”.

“Hi, Rob. Come in” said Suzi, holding the door half closed so that Rob had to squeeze past her. He almost brushed against her tits as he passed and she noticed him have a quick look down her cleavage.

“I’m sorry, Dave’s not here. He had to stay over and he couldn’t get hold of you to let you know. But, since you’re here, do you want a drink – or something?” She emphasised the ‘something’ in a way that was very obvious.

Rob took in the figure before him. She looked gorgeous and very, very fuckable.

“The ‘something’ sounds interesting but there’s a bit of a problem. Sam’s sitting outside in the car”.

Suzi was taken aback. She hadn’t expected this. This was going to ruin her plans – or was it? Before she realised what she was saying she said “Fine, he can come in too”.

Rob went outside to get Sam. Suzi thought about the situation. Would Sam just sit there while she seduced Rob – although judging by the look Rob had given her he wouldn’t take much seducing! Would Sam want to join in? At the thought of that Suzi found herself getting very wet indeed. Was she up for a threesome? Why not, she thought. She had already got herself very excited at the thought of fucking Rob and she didn’t want any disappointment now.

Rob and Sam came in and they went through to the living room at the back of the house. “What’ll you have?” asked Suzi. Rob licked his lips suggestively. “A beer will be fine – for now”. “Same for me please” said Sam.

Suzi went off to the kitchen to get the drinks.


Outside, Dave could not believe his luck. Rob had come back out and got Sam and they had both gone back into his house. What the hell was Suzi up to? Had she planned this? Had she been ordu escort one step ahead of him?

He quickly got out of the car and went round the back of his house. Quietly he opened the conservatory door and went in. He could see Rob and Sam sat in the living room. He could also see through the kitchen window – the blind wasn’t pulled down. Suzi was getting some beers from the fridge. She looked straight at the window and played with her hair. At first Dave thought that she had seen him, but then he realised that she was using the window like a mirror. Suzi straightened her skirt, then pulled it up on to her hips a little more. Dave thought it was short enough before but now it was almost indecent. Then Suzi, still looking at the window, undid another of her blouse buttons. Her tits were now almost completely on display. Dave stroked his now hardening cock. Without realising it, his wife was looking directly at him while she got ready to fuck one, if not two, of his mates! Dave moved across so that he could see into the living room.


Suzi took the beers in to Rob and Sam. As she leaned over to put the drinks onto the coffee table Rob got a perfect view of her now more visible tits. Sam was sat to the side so he couldn’t see as easily, but he did have a great view of her nicely rounded arse. Both Rob and Sam started to get very hard indeed.

“Will that do you?” asked Suzi, looking directly into Robs eyes while still leaning towards him.

“I think I’d like that ‘something’ now” said Rob, taking hold of her hand. He gently pulled her towards him and she sat beside him on the sofa. He put his hand behind her neck and pulled her head towards his. Their lips met with a passion. She put her hand up to his head and ran her fingers through his blonde hair. Their tongues were now exploring each other mouths. This wasn’t gentle petting – this was serious lust. Suzi felt Robs hand move down from her neck and onto her tits. Then she felt him unbuttoning her blouse. Her own hand dropped to Robs lap and she rubbed his hard cock. As she did so Rob put a hand inside her bra and quickly released one of her tits. He couldn’t get to the back to undo it so he just rolled her bra down so that both her tits were exposed. He dropped his head and sucked eagerly on her rock hard nipples. Suzi looked down and saw the contrast of his white flesh against her brown tits and watched his tongue licking at her black nipples. She closed her eyes and almost had an orgasm there and then. Rob brought his head up and started kissing her again whilst rolling her nipples between his fingers. Suzi felt his other hand on her leg and she opened them to allow him better access. She felt her thong pulled to one side and a finger enter her soaking wet pussy. Suddenly, she realised that Rob couldn’t be doing that. He had one hand behind her and the other was on her tit. She opened her eyes and saw Sam sitting on the other side of her. It was his hand on her cunt. Suzi closed her eyes again and felt the first orgasm hit her. She sucked on Robs tongue and pushed against Sams fingers. She was in ecstasy.


Dave was rubbing his own cock. This was even better than he had hoped for. When he had started his planning he wasn’t rize escort sure how he would feel watching Suzi with another man. Now here he was watching TWO of his mates exploring her body. This was fantastic. Suzi was loving it. She was acting in a way that he couldn’t believe was possible – like a complete slut. There was no love in what he saw, so he didn’t feel his relationship was threatened. No, this pure sex. Although she was still wearing all her clothes her body was in full view. Her blouse was undone. Her tits were hanging out of her bra (the one he had bought her!) and her thong was just pushed to one side. If the look on her face didn’t give it away you could almost think she was being raped. He saw her unzip Robs trousers and her hand released his cock from his pants. She started to wank him. Dave rubbed his own cock even harder!


Suzi worked on Robs cock with her hand. He was back sucking on her tits and Sam now had three fingers inside her tight black cunt. She looked at Sam and saw that he had taken his own cock out and was wanking himself. Suzi felt that this was a waste, so she wriggled around and dropped her head into Sam’s lap. Slowly she took his cock into her mouth and started to work her thick lips up and down his shaft. Rob, meanwhile, took hold of her hips and moved her up into a kneeling position. He then dropped to his knees and started to run his tongue around her slopping slit.

As soon as he found her clit Suzi had another orgasm. She had never experienced anything like this – these two were really turning her on. She took her mouth from Sams cock long enough to say “For Gods sake! Fuck me, somebody!”. Rob stood up and held his cock against her pussy. Slowly he worked it up and down and then pushed the head just inside her. Suzi pleaded “Don’t play with me – fuck me!”. As she spoke she pushed back and Robs cock sunk deep inside her. He started pumping into her and she dropped her head back onto Sams throbbing cock. As Sam fucked her mouth Rob was pounding her pussy. She felt her muscles tense as she had yet another orgasm. Rob and Sam also felt her tensing and that was enough to push both of them over the edge. Sam started cumming first but, before he had filled her mouth, Rob also started to cum. He thrust hard against her as his seed shot deep inside her.


Dave almost came in his pants. His lovely black wife was on her knees, her tits hanging loose from her bra, her skirt up round her waist. Suzi lifted her head from Sams cock and he saw cum dripping from her mouth. She had never let him cum in her mouth! Then Rob pulled his cock from her pussy and she sat back on the sofa. Dave could now see Robs cum dripping from her lovely black cunt.


Suzi sat back for a while with her eyes closed. Then she opened them and looked at Rob and Sam. They looked slightly silly with their trousers round their knees. “That was the best fuck I’ve had in my life” she said. “Now I think it’s time we enjoyed ourselves a little more slowly. Let’s go up to the bedroom”. She stood up and, with a slightly wobbly walk, left the room to head upstairs. Rob and Sam looked at each other, pulled up their trousers, and followed.


Dave silently cursed. He couldn’t hear what had been said but he guessed that there were now taking the action upstairs to HIS bed. There was nothing he could do – he wouldn’t be able to see any more action. What he needed to do now was get some action of his own. He had to find someone to fuck.

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