Appointment with assistant Liz

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Appointment with doctor’s assistant Liz – Part 1

1. Initial consultation

I had a doctor’s appointment. Due to the medication I was taking, I’d been suffering from some erection problems lately.

“That can indeed occur when taking these medications.” said doctor Fischer. Her first name is Jessica. She’s about 10 years older than me. I always think she’s a very sweet woman. I feel comfortable with her and she gives good advice. She always listens patiently, no matter why I’m at her office. She was wearing a high black woolen sweater, with a turtleneck. Small glasses, and her curled hair pulled back into a neat bun. Because of the thick woolen sweater, when I walked into her treatment room I noticed that her breasts looked bigger from some angles. Something I normally never pay attention to with her. But, well, my thoughts were somewhat focused on sex and physical arousal at that moment. Let’s just say I was preoccupied.

“Do you also have complaints in the sense of a reduced sex drive?” she continued calmly.

– “Um, no…” I said a little hesitantly. But I understood that the question was relevant, so I tried to answer as best I could.

“Not really. It’s more that during sex, well, like I said, some erection problems.

– “Hm-hm.” she nodded in understanding. “Okay, what I’m gonna do, is schedule an appointment for you with the practice assistant, Liz. She can help you explore the options, such as other medications, a different dose, or other solutions.”

– “Okay, that seems fine to me.” I replied.

“Yes, Liz is really nice. I think you will get along well with her too.

I wondered for a moment what exactly she meant by that choice of words, but I didn’t look too much into it at that time.

I thanked the doctor for her good advice and the quick referral and I went home.

2. The treatment room

They were able to schedule me to come in that same Friday. I was called into the small treatment room that was located between a number of the general doctor’s treatment rooms. This room was used by the assistants and practice nurses for several supportive treatments.

“Hi, I’m Liz.” said a young woman with dark brown, short hair and a modern pair of glasses. Under her doctor’s coat she wore black skinny jeans and black Vans sneakers with white laces. This treatment room contained a small desk with a chair, a long treatment table, another loose chair, and a stool on wheels.

“Just sit here.” she pointed to the loose chair. “How can I help you?”

– “Um, well, I’d been to Dr. Fischer about…” I gestured with my hands that I was thinking about my words for a moment.

“Ah yes, erection problems, I read it in your file. That can indeed be the case with certain medications. Of course it’s not permanent, you know. Your hormones are affected by the medications you take. And that can also influence this issue. But if you ever stop taking these medications or switch, the side effects will simply disappear again.”

– “Ah, right, I understand. So… what am I gonna do now then. What do you recommend?”

“We can try a lower dose. If that’s not possible, we can also try switching to a comparable medicine. Then you might experience these side effects less, or not at all. But unfortunately there’s not certainty at all.”

– “Okay, so let’s just try that, right?”

“Yeah. That seems like a good thing to try.” She paused for a moment. “Now that you’re here, I’d like to rule out one more thing. Would you sit on the treatment table, please? I just need to grab something, I’ll be right back.”

– “Okay…” I replied doubtfully.

“Nothing scary.” she replied in reassurance as she walked towards the door.

3. of escort Treatment

After a few moments she came back. She was no longer wearing her white doctor’s coat. On top of her black skinny jeans she wore a light gray shirt that hugged her round breasts. She locked the door behind her and walked to the window to close the blinds halfway.

“Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do.” she continued calmly. “I’ll just stand in front of you, don’t be alarmed.” While I was sitting on the edge of the table, Liz came and stood right in front of me. Here eyes were now just above my eye level. I was staring right at her mouth and her slender neck.

“Okay, I’m gonna do a few tests.” she said. She stood right in front of me for a few seconds without saying anything. She pulled her shirt tight. The round shape of her breasts was now clearly visible. She then grabbed my shoulders and pulled me a little towards her. My nose almost touched her breasts. She remained in this position for a few seconds again. She looked diagonally at my face under her glasses. She saw my eyes widen. I didn’t know what to say.

She let go of me and stood back up.

“Okay, next step… don’t be alarmed.”

She grabbed my crotch with her left hand and rubbed up and down a few times. “Mmmmhhh….” I moaned softly.

– “Hm!” she muttered inquisitively.

She held my penis and balls tightly and through my pants she gently massaged my balls with her fingers.

“Pffwwwwww……” I uttered.

– “Hm-hm.” she now chuckled softly under her breath.

“I, I don’t know…” I stammered.

– “Very good.” she interrupted me.

“For the next part I’d like to ask you to undress. Just your pants and underwear are fine.”

– “I… is this all part of it?” I asked in bewilderment.

“Yes. Of course, only if you feel comfortable with it, right? I find consent and trust in the treatment very important. But you don’t have to worry. I’m experienced in this field. There’s no need to feel uncomfortable.”

– “Oh…” I responded in disbelief. I could not believe my ears. At the same time it all felt so safe and familiar. Liz managed to put me at ease very well, I must say.

“Okay then. Fine.” I replied in a soft and slightly shy voice, but still it came out kinda as if this was the most normal thing in the world. Liz was so convincing that I didn’t even dare to doubt out loud. I didn’t want to seem dumb.

I started to take off my pants and underwear. Because I was still sitting on the table, this was a bit awkward. But Liz started to help.

“Come on, I’ll help you.” she said. She pulled my clothes off my thighs and lowered them to my ankles.

“You can lean back a little. You can lean on your hands.” she said.

I obeyed.

4. Predator

She looked straight at me and with a careful, but somewhat theatrical gesture, she pushed my knees a little further apart.

She looked at me. “You can trust me.” she said with a smile.

With her right hand she grabbed my penis. Slowly she started to pull. She looked at me intently, straight into my eyes.

I didn’t know where to look for a moment. I left her piercing gaze and looked down slightly. She bent over slightly to give me a handjob, causing her breasts to hang slightly forward in her shirt.

“Yeah, just look at them. That’s fine.” Liz said calmly.

While she continued to jerk me off, she pulled slightly above her breasts with her left hand in a few movements. She was wearing a beautiful plain black, silky bra.

“There, that’s easier for you.” she said.

During her slow strokes, her breasts swayed gently from side to side in her bra.

I onikişubat escort felt my penis slowly getting harder. Liz felt that too.

“Mmmm… mmmhh…” I moaned softly.

– “You’re doing well.” said Liz. She started pulling a little faster.

“Ahhh….hmmmmm…” I gasped.

– “Look at me.” Liz asked.

Somewhat hesitantly, I brought my gaze back to her eyes. She gave a small smile. Then she wet her lips and started biting her lower lip gently. Her jerking movements slowly became more forceful. I looked at her with wide eyes as I continued to moan.

“Hmhh… hmhh… hmhh…”

The calm facial expression of a doctor was slowly disappearing from Liz’s gaze. She squeezed her eyes a little as she put force into her jerking movements.

I bit my lower lip.

“Good job. Come on.” Her gentle tone was gone from her voice. She sounded more and more insistent. “You’re getting harder. You can do it. I’ll help you.” she said in a low sultry voice as she looked at me with sensually. She now reached under my balls with her left hand and started to massage them first gently, then more and more firmly, as she continued to jerk me off.

“Nice soft balls. We mustn’t forget them. Come over here, boys.” she looked at my crotch for a moment. “Mmm-hhmmm…” she moaned softly.

I threw my head back and closed my eyes. “Fuuuuuuckkkk. Mhhhhmmmm….” I moaned forcefully.

“Good, keep going. Come on!” she commanded as she continued to perform vigorous work with both hands.

– “Hnnnghhh… hnggghh… hnnghh!” I gasped and moaned. I felt that my penis was now pretty hard.

Laura also felt this now. “Look! Well done. Harder, harder!” she yelled enthusiastically.

Just as her rhythm started to feel a bit mechanical, she pulled the wheeled stool closer to her with one foot. She sat on it, right in front of me.

As she leaned forward and wrapped her left arm tightly around my lower back, she continued to pull with her right hand, now in slower, but deep, powerful movements.

“Come here. I want to see you get even harder.” she said as she forcefully pulled me a little further towards her with her left arm around my waist. She now sat on her stool between my knees, her breasts getting closer to my crotch.

“Mhhh…..I want to be able to feel all your blood vessels and ridges. Louder. Please… do it for me. Mmm-hmmmm…. You can do it!”

– “Hnnhh… hhhh….hhhhmmmm.” I moaned.

“Here, look at me, look at me. I want to be able to see your eyes.” Liz commanded.

With difficulty I opened my eyes. With my mouth open I continued to moan and pant. “Hhhhh-unngghh-hmmmmmm….” while I tried to focus my gaze on her eyes with cramped eyelids.

– “Nice…. very good…” she said softly as I felt her hand tighten around my shaft with every movement. I felt every ridge, and no doubt she felt it too.

“It’s so nice and hard… fuck… so hard… we can do this together… come on…” she said, as she started to firmly massage my lower back with her left hand.

Her pulling movements around my shaft became a little faster again.

“Are you almost there? Come on… I want to see you squirt…”

Suddenly I felt my dick head tapping against her. She was now sitting so close to me on her stool that she was jerking my penis against her breasts. She grabbed her glasses from her face with her left hand and threw them on the table next to me.

She now clenched her jaw tightly, looking intently at me as if she were a predator about to attack me.

“Squirt, come on!” she hissed through her gritted teeth.

She lifted her chin to show me her slender neck as ordu escort she kept her gaze fixed on me.

With her left hand she stroked her neck and her cleavage.

I slowly felt an orgasm growing from my abdomen.

“Mhhhh…. I’m gonna come… hnnnnghhhh….. hmm….” I moaned helplessly.

– “Yes, come on, come all over my breasts, go ahead, squirt!” she shouted enthusiastically.

From a mile away I felt my ejaculation coming.

– “Hnnnnnnnghhhhhh…… aaaaaahhhhhhh!”

My first cumshot spurted upwards, against her neck and the underside of her chin.

She leaned forward a little further. She slowly stopped pulling while she continued to hold my penis tightly.

“Keep going, keep going! I want to feel all of it.. on my skin.” she moaned desperately.

I continued to cum, now a few times right above her cleavage.

“Hhhh….nnghh…. ahhhh…” I uttered with the last of my strength.

The last few squirts ended up on her bra. White pearls on the black silky fabric.

“Hmmm… wonderful…” she said in a soft voice. She stroked my abdomen as she looked down to see all the cum I’d shot on her.

5. Friday, same time

She now grabbed her glasses and put them back on. She sat up with her shirt still pulled up.

“Hmmmmmm… that went great, right?” she said kindly.

My cum slowly dripped from her breasts down into her bra.

– “Um… yeah, I think so.” I said with a small smile.

“Okay, I think it’s still a bit premature to adjust your medication.” she said, suddenly back in her businesslike doctor voice.

She looked down again, wiped most of my cum from her cleavage with two fingers, and put her fingers in her mouth. She slowly licked her fingers clean, after which she looked at me with a friendly smile.

“Hmmm…” she hummed softly.

“We can always go for that option later, if necessary.” she continued. “For now, I think we need to plan a few follow-up appointments. That’s probably enough to alleviate your problems. Can you come in next Friday at this same time?”

“Uh… yeah, that should work.” I said, looking at her with disbelief on my face.

– “Don’t worry.” she responded with a look of reassurance on her face. “This time went pretty well too, right? I don’t expect the next treatment to be a problem either.”

She now pulled her shirt down with both hands, over her breasts and bra which were still sprinkled with my cum.

“I’d like to see you in treatment room 5 then, at the end of the corridor on the first floor.” she said as she straightened her shirt. “That’s a slightly more spacious room. That’s a bit more convenient for this treatment.”

“Okay…” I replied.

I started to pull up my pants and underwear.

“Wait, let me help you.” Liz responded quickly.

She bent over, grabbed my penis again, and started slowly licking the cum off my penis from the base of my shaft, near my balls. She licked from bottom to top several times, all the way to my dick head. Finally she took my dick head into her mouth, sucked on it carefully and sucked out the last drops of cum.

“There.” She wiped the corners of her mouth with the back of her right hand. She smiled from ear to ear. Her neck still glistened, and a drop of semen still hung on her chin.

– “I um… is there anything I should bring next time? I don’t know…” I stammered.

“Oh no, nothing special.” Liz replied. “I’d just like to ask you not to have sex until Friday, and not to masturbate. That works best for our treatment.”

– “Okay. That should work, I think…”

“Perfect! Then I’ll see you again next week. For now I wish you a good weekend!”.

I walked towards the door.

“Oh, and please…” she suddenly remembered. I turned around as I was at the door. While I was walking to the door she’d sat herself up on the table behind me, and had pulled her feet up on the edge. She was busy unbuttoning her jeans.

“Please, could you close the door behind you? I have to finish up some things here.”

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