Jessica, Pt. 11

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Halloween weekend is here. This means that the lounge will be full of revelers and partying. Most folks are good about things and behave. But then there is always a crazy or two that makes it difficult.

Jessica goes all out into a “Witchy” looking costume. Her hair is teased and huge. The same black mesh dress, stockings, and boots as before. The makeup is way overdone. Jessica looks creepy and sexy at the same. I am a little more modest and opt for a kind of “Lurch” look. Donovan is as flamboyant as ever. His costume makes me think of the Great Pumpkin for some reason. Gus and Nick elect for a paler makeup and a kind “dead” look.

Through the course of the weekend, we played every spooky tune we knew, several times. The folks were very generous with their tips and adoration. We are a quintet for the moment. Still there was plenty to go around. Friday night was long and grueling.

By the time Jessica and I arrived home, it was 3:30 am Saturday morning. We showered only to remove the Halloween makeup. The flannel sheets received us after a hot shower. We slept in the arms of each other until much after sun-up. We had opted not to practice that Saturday. Both Gus and Nick were grateful as they wanted to spend as much time with their families as possible. I admire them for wanting this. Jessica and I were able to spend more time resting and with one another. Always good in my book.

Saturday night was wilder still in the lounge. The place was filled with costumed guests and a double batch of servers to handle the load. The hotel was filled, and every room was taken for the weekend. Wise as some of the more inebriated celebrants wouldn’t have to travel. Some of them went a little crazy. These things are to be expected.

I don’t fault them at all. I’m certain many are hardworking individuals that go to work each day to provide for families. This is an opportunity for them to cut loose for a few hours. I don’t envy the hangover they will have. This isn’t an activity I would enter any longer.

Our job is to supply entertainment. This we did very well and for many hours that night. It is a very, very long night. You can see the first rays of sunup as we drive home. The suits have told everyone to take Sunday off. I’m glad about this. Gus and Nick have spent too much time away from their families. Donovan was just plain worn out. No longer the happy energetic scarecrow. Jessica and I sang and played out. Five seconds after getting in the car, Jessica was asleep. It was difficult for me to remain awake. But I wanted to get my girl home and safe.

I managed to get Jessica inside. By this time, full sun was coming through the windows. I sent her to the shower. Although I did check on her to make sure she wasn’t sleeping in the stall. I spent my time readying the bed, pulling shades and curtains, and making the house as dark as possible. I heard the water turn off and went to the bathroom. She looked pitiful. I dried her off and carried her limp little body to bed. The bed sheets had been turned down and ready to receive. Jessica went to sleep without as much as a whimper. I tell the truth. The fight for me to stay awake was huge. I got my own shower quickly and slid into the warm sheets and perfectly darkened room.

There was a point where I had gotten up and go to the bathroom. And being somewhat parched, went to the kitchen for a glass of water. The house was still dark despite little rays of light sneaking in the cracks. I anticipated an easy return to sleep. The cold water felt good on my lips and throat. There was a little traffic noise outside, but not much as it was a Sunday. I stood there a moment with closed eyes to relax.

Jessica cried out.

“Roger!?!? Where are you?!?!”

The sounds of a frightened and screaming Jessica jolted me back. I sprinted as fast as possible to the bedroom. She sat in the middle of the bed clutching the blankets and sheets. A look of terror on her face. I never knew I could move so quickly. Within seconds I was in bed with her and holding her shaking body.

A weak and shaky voice fraught with many tears said.

“I didn’t know where you were! I was all alone, and it scared me!!”

I tried to reassure her that I was just in the next room getting a drink. Jessica crawled into my lap and a kind of fetal position. She stayed there until her tears ceased and the shaking stopped.

Over and over, she said the same thing.

“I didn’t know where you were.”

Finally, she slept once more. I moved slowly for us to return to sheets and blankets. Jessica was held very tightly. Then after some time, I slept also. What was that??

We remained in bed for some time. Rolled the clock under something so I couldn’t see it. I was more interested in sleep than anything else. But sadly, and those who drink coffee know, the need for caffeine arose. I didn’t know what to do. Should I leave Jessica in bed or wake her up and take her with me?

I moved and immediately she said.

“Where are ığdır escort you going?” and took a hold of my arm.

I spoke.

“To make espresso. You wrap up in a blanket and come with me.”

I received no argument. Her little feet padded right along with me to the kitchen.

Jessica wrapped her arms and the blanket around me as I stood to prepare coffee. I could see she wasn’t going to let go nor stray from me. We stood there in the kitchen this way, drinking espresso. The second round was brewed and consumed.

I asked her.

“Would you like to go back to bed?”

She just nodded yes. Never once did she let go of me.

I was not sure why she reacted to my absence this way. Now was not the time to investigate. Jessica needs comfort, reassurance, and much love from me. I provided these things in abundance the rest of the day. Wherever I went in the house, she went with me. And I mean everywhere.

This I took in stride and did not comment on. Knowing Jessica as I do, the reason or reasons would come to light. I would be patient with her and wait. Until such a time as she was ready to share, Jessica had my unconditional support and love.

The remainder of Sunday was very quiet and very restful. We needed this badly. There was an early time to bed Sunday night. Jessica said almost nothing all day. We showered together and went to bed together. Her little naked body as close to me as possible.

Monday morning rolled around and with sunlight in my eyes. There is Jessica staring at me and smiling.

She speaks.

“You gonna get up and make espresso or do I have to muss ya up?”

She said this in her best gangster voice.

Just like that, she is back to herself.

So, I smile at her broadly and get out of bed to make coffee. She still follows though and grabs the first cup. Jessica looks up at me over the cup. Her eyes are smiling. We fell into our normal routine of laundry, cleaning, dusting, sweeping, bill paying and practice. Both of us voiced a hope for a short night. We the weekend being so big and busy, maybe people will stay home tonight. This way Jessica and I can come home and catch up on some more rest.

Our attire for Monday is very conservative compared to the weekend. The passing of the Halloween events and the beginning of November. People will be out shopping, and many will want to relax in the lounge. We will be busy. And as we had hoped, Monday night is short. Jessica and I are home quickly and just as quickly, in bed sleeping.

The morning finds me up and moving early. Now that Halloween is past, we need to begin thinking about Christmas Jazz. I have years of set lists to draw from. Gus, Nick, Jessica, and I have all our combined suggestions. I think we may keep Donovan on too, at least for the holidays. I know I’ve spoken about possibly adding a couple more horns. We’ll see. As I said, I know we will be busy.

Things should be as relaxing, however. I see no need to get caught up in crazy holiday madness. What I would like best is to get practices in, polish what needs it, have good solid performances, and then run home to hide with Jessica.

The Christmas vacation trip is progressing well. I am looking forward very much to having Jessica all to myself. As things are, we have plenty of this already. A vacation with her means 24/7 with her, just her. I want to spoil her, bathe her in affection, revel in my mind and body and grow even closer to her.

There are still some aspects of Jessica I have yet to learn. I do know this. There are demons that haunt her still. Periodically, I receive a glimpse of these. Not being a Psychologist, I would not begin to understand nor try to remedy what darkness dwells in her. When these things manifest themselves, all I can do, and want to do, is to be there for her. No questions asked and no conditions demanded. I am there for her unconditionally.

I have commented on many occasions how she clings to me. It isn’t just her that clings. As much as she needs to be with me, touch me, and love me, I want to be the same with her. I need her as she needs me.

The days of November march of will a solid progression toward Thanksgiving. We know that Christmas is always a mad rush if let it. Jessica and I have no plans for Thanksgiving other than spending it together. Neither of us has any family to speak of. Nick and Gus have their extended families to visit and celebrate with. Donovan will be flying out to the family in the east. The lounge will be closed only for Thanksgiving Day. Jessica and I have agreed to play for that weekend. This way, everyone else can travel. We are okay with this.

Tuesday, we are both up early. Before anything is done, we pay homage to the espresso machine. Jessica spends some precious time in my lap over espresso. As it is a bit chilly, we are dressed in the thick robes she picked for us. We are warm and toasty.

A shopping list is scribbled. The busy weekend and grabbing food when we could has ısparta escort depleted our stores. And before you ask, yes, we will be purchasing healthy food. Jessica insists.

When we think we have fooled around long enough, we dress. Now I’m simple. Jeans, button down shirt and shoes. It’s cold so I have layers. Jessica dresses for me. Her jeans are always painted on. She shimmies into translucent tank top (no bra), which she makes certain I notice. Then a bulky pullover sweater. Jessica has left her hair down and it frames her lovely face. A pair of flat heeled boots and she is ready. We have a couple of places to go. The grocery store and a bakery. Jessica would like to have fresh bread. Whole and/or multiple grain is what she really would like.

Shopping takes up most of the morning and is very successful. Jessica found bread that has maybe 10 to 12 different grains in it. There is chicken, fish, and bags of raw veggies and fruits.

We stopped for lunch of soup and salad. I had chili. The restaurant also had hot chocolate. This was a nice hot treat for us. I was delighted to tease Jessica concerning her chocolate mustache. But then she got me back by asking me to lick and kiss it off. I was delighted in that as well. Then it was home, put things away and a bit of rest before work.

Jessica spoke.

“Would you go and lie on the sofa?”

I do so. A few seconds later, she arrives with a blanket. The sweater is gone, but the tank top remains. An eye full for me. Jessica then spreads her body on mine and pulls the blanket over us both.

“Nap time.” Is all she speaks.

We have an hour of sleep. Getting ready for work is leisurely. Jessica dons a sleeveless black dress, black tights, and black stiletto heels. Hair done up on her head. She looks stunning and very elegant. I dressed to match her in classic black and white.

The evening is full of classic jazz love songs. “The Nearness of You”, “The Look of Love”, “The Man I Love,” and it seems that several songs styled after Julie London. Okay maybe she’s not jazzy, but the sentiment involved is great. I must make a few key changes to accommodate Jessica’s range. Ms. London didn’t have a great range, but her expressive style is right up Jessica’s alley.

The dance floor has several couples. I have one regret. I can’t be out there with Jessica. Which causes me to have the idea. The next time we have a day off, I am taking her to dance. But it is a good night. We head for home and the hour is too awful. Once home, our plan is simple. Hot shower, flannel sheets and then sleep.

The days proceed as such until the weekend. The quintet spends some time in warm-up and practice before Friday night. Set lists are made and handed out. We do a lot of the standards. “Autumn Leaves” is good this time of year. We even got Nick to do a Bass solo. It was cool. As Jessica sang the melody, Donovan provided the most haunting countermelody behind her. The folks liked it very much. I will have to ask Jessica to do the French version some time. Friday night was good for us. It wasn’t as crazy of Halloween. We still didn’t leave until about 2:30am, but that’s more normal. An uneventful ride home, shower and bed. Then we can do it all again Saturday.

The remainder of the weekend was good. We made lots of tips and there were no major mess ups. I feel bad at times for Nick, Gus, and Donovan. This isn’t a full-time gig for them like it is for Jessica and me. Monday morning, they will have to haul out of bed and go do a day job. But there is this. It is their choice.

Monday, we had serious sheet time. It was one of those things where the bed calls to you in soft soothing tones. Once it has you, you are lulled into its caress to stay for a long time. Nice.

I like us time during the week routine. Espresso and breakfast with Jessica, household stuff, and then whatever we wish to do. Shopping is a weekly thing because we eat. I would like to take some time and just wander somewhere. A museum or some other display. Getting out of the house and doing something. It isn’t that I don’t enjoy being home. Winter will hit one of these days.

I was thinking a leisurely day in the St. Louis Art Museum or the Laumeier Sculpture Park. A place Jessica and I can be hand in hand. We should talk it over and see what Jessica would like to do. Maybe one of the Greek places has live music. Wouldn’t it be fun to eat and listen to bouzouki music? Lots of options in town and nearby. There are so many jazz clubs and bars we could visit. Perhaps one of those would be nice to take Jessica and dance. No worries about set lists or playing. We’ll see what Jessica wants.

Monday evening the lounge was dead. We left early. Instead of heading for home, I got a rare treat. Jessica agreed to go out and find a burger. We may have been a little overdressed, but hey, I got a burger with all the stuff I like. You know, tomato, bacon, tons of cheese, pickles, lettuce, and steak sauce. I was relishing kadirli escort mine. Jessica’s was plain and heavy on the veggies. I washed mine down with an ice-cold soda. She had water. Such a healthy girl.

We talked about what we would like to do during our time off. I think we may hit the museum first and make a slow day of it. Even with our burger stop, it still wasn’t too late. We did go home.

During the drive home, Jessica asks.

“Roger, are you upset with me?”

An immediate puzzled look comes over my face.

I answered.

“No, my Dear, I’m not upset with you at all. Why would you ask that?”

Jessica frowned before continuing.

“I know we have been busy and tired. But we haven’t made love in days. Aren’t you horny? Don’t you want me? Darling, I need you inside me.”

I guess I am not accustomed to such frank discussions. But with Jessica, it shouldn’t surprise me. She sits in the car, looking at me and waiting for an answer.

My head nods up and down and I speak.

“I see. I am glad you have brought this to my attention. Let’s see about this when we get home.”

Now she is smiling.

The wheels in my head are turning. I should do something Jessica doesn’t expect. A plan is formulated in my mind. But I won’t say anything, I will just do it. Things proceed as normal. We have a glass of wine, undress, have a nice hot shower together and relax first. We both sit on the sofa, wrapped in robes and wine in hand. This is nice too. Time for action.

I speak.

“Jessica, go to the bedroom, take off your robe and lie back on the bed. I will be there in a moment.”

She giggles just a bit as she does so. I can see her partially from the sofa. Her robe falls to the floor and naked body goes to the bed. I causally walk to the doorway to just stand and observe her. Our eyes meet and hold. I break contact and go to the closet. Two of my ties are chosen.

I sit next to Jessica on the bed.

I speak.

“Give me your arm Jessica.”

Her breath comes faster, and she does as I ask. Her wrist is fastened to the headboard. Rising, I go and do the same on the other hand. Jessica is squirming some now, testing my knots. Jessica’s mouth is open, and her eyes follow me.

Going to the end of the bed, I sit. Her legs are gently spread. She glistens with moisture already. My hands touch her inner thighs, close to her womanhood, but never touching. She twists in my hands. I know what Jessica desires and I am not going to give it to her. Not yet.

I spent an inordinate amount of time teasing her. Then I gently begin to brush her lower lips. Jessica’s hip rushed up to meet my hand. I had never attempted this with a partner. The rush of excitement I felt was almost overwhelming. Yet, I wanted to control myself and take my time with Jessica. I wanted her to feel each sensation as deeply as possible. The moans and other sounds she made helped me to understand the degree of pleasure experienced.

One finger was inserted slowly. I move in and out of her with caution and calmness. Jessica’s back arches and her head rolls from side to side. I know the signs. It won’t be long. I cease for a few moments.

Jessica releases an exasperated breath.

Now two fingers for her.

The involuntary motions she makes become more pronounced. Jessica begins to build towards climax once more.

She is closer still.

Again, I stop.

Her frustration is announced with pleading eyes and phrases saying.

“Please Roger, let me cum.”

But I am not ready for her to do so. Rather I trace her inner thighs with my lips and tongue now. Jessica strains against her bonds towards me. She is very wet now and it drips from her. This is not to be wasted and I take it all in my mouth. Jessica is licked and sucked with growing speed. This time, I let her orgasm. Her back is arched, and her limbs shake.

I give her no time to relax. I mount between her legs and insert fully in one swift movement. Jessica pushes to meet each thrust. My level of excitement is great, and it doesn’t take me long. With a groan of my own, I let go inside her.

Jessica whispers.

“Let me go.”

The knots are undone, and her arms wrap about me. We refuse to let the other go. Sleep comes to us quickly.

The next morning, I am up and making espresso. Jessica is right there as well.

We sit to enjoy.

Jessica speaks.

“OMG Roger that was the most intense orgasm I have ever had. The things you did to me were amazing. Tying my hands so I couldn’t move, taking me to the edge a few times and making me wait. Then the ending with your mouth and plowing inside me. I loved it with you. We sit here and I’m talking about. I’m getting wet again.”

Listening to Jessica has me excited as well. You know she is already in my lap. A change of position for her and she sinks around me. Morning sex and espresso.

We did not shower last night. It is done this morning. Then our normal routine. Today though we seem to find time often to have a quick hug or kiss. We are very affectionate with each other. A closeness brought on by mutual passion and caring. The behavior we exhibit for the remainder of the day is the same. We are never far and always touching, holding, and looking.

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