Katie’s White World of Punishment

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FF, Femdom, Lezdom, Lesbian, Non-consent/reluctance, BDSM, urine, incontinence, institution, nurse, imprisonment, punishment, humiliation, shame.

[This story is written using concepts discussed with a friend of mine called Garth Toyntanen.]

It was breakfast time in the canteen. Katie’s special knickers were sticking to her bottom and she squirmed uneasily in her seat as she tried to unstick from her flesh the parts of them that were bothering her. They were big, waterproof knickers, designed for “incontinent” girls, made of transparent, crinkly plastic, with tight elastic waistband and leg bands which left marks on her pure white skin. They caused Katie’s skin to sweat inside the plastic and they rapidly became sticky as a result.

As Katie wriggled she unintentionally aroused herself and felt her little clitoris tingling and trying to escape the vaginal folds surrounding it. Her upper body was kept decent by the short floral-patterned cotton nightie she had been allowed to keep from home, for now at least, but she could see and feel that her nipples were erect, straining outwards, like her clitoris, clamouring for attention. There was no hope of attention though: her wrists were securely tied behind her to the back legs of her simple, wheeled commode, her ankles equally securely tied to the commode’s front legs. Katie was restrained, helpless and knew of no escape from her predicament.

All the chairs used in “the Institution”, as everyone referred to it, were commodes, it was more convenient that way. The commodes were of straightforward design, a chair made of white-painted metal, with a removable white square wooden seat which, when removed, exposed a circular white toilet seat opening into a circular white plastic bowl shaped like a saucepan with a flat base and a lid with a handle. Take off the lid and the commode could be easily used for its intended purpose. To dispose of its contents once used, the lid would be placed back onto the bowl, and the bowl lifted up by a nurse and taken to the toilets where its contents would be poured into a toilet and flushed away. That was what usually happened anyway.

Katie, an attractive, slim, athletic, blonde-haired girl, looked down her front at the large white cardboard disc hanging over her nightie, just below her breasts, from a piece of string around the back of her neck to see, again, that it read, “Incontinent!” in large handwriting written by a permanent marker in dark blue ink, so that everybody who saw it would know why she was being treated differently that day, why she was being punished and humiliated.

Katie was seated at the edge of the canteen room watching, although she could not see completely clearly because of the cotton knickers partly obscuring her view, the other three girls being spoon-fed their breakfast by two of the nurses. Those girls’ hands and ankles were secured too.

In the wall the far side of the room was a large barred window. The nurses liked to pretend that the window bars were there to keep intruders out, but the girls knew that they were there to keep them in, securely imprisoned within the Institution. The window glass was slightly distorted, so that it was impossible to see what was behind the barred window and once they had been there for a while the girls could hardly remember what world lay beyond the barred window. Imprisonment and acceptance of the nurses’ authority quickly became the only reality in the girls’ life.

Each time Katie breathed she inhaled the scent of her own urine from the soaked gusset of yesterday’s regulation white cotton knickers, which covered her head, the wet gusset fixed tightly over her nose and mouth, the knickers firmly kept in place by a large hair grip grasping the cotton behind her head. Each time she breathed, Katie was reminded of her “crime”, of shamefully wetting her knickers because she couldn’t hold out until yesterday evening’s toilet time; and she hadn’t just wet them, her pee had gushed out, powerfully, she just hadn’t been able to hold it in any more, and splashed all over the floor.

Katie’s partial eyesight restriction was caused by the fact that the pretty leg openings of her knickers, while making space for her eyes to see, nevertheless framed her field of vision, like curtains which needed to be pulled apart further. The urine-soaked bor escort cotton over her nose and mouth stung her skin, but Katie couldn’t do anything about that. The waistband of her knickers circled her lower neck like a necklace, though not too tightly, fortunately for her comfort, so that the whole effect was something like a traditional maid’s cotton head-covering expanded to cover her whole head and most of her face, like a white cotton lacy balaclava.

As they had been wheeled into breakfast on their rolling commode chairs, in their nightdresses, hands and ankles tied to their chairs, the other girls had glanced at Katie with what might have been sympathy, and Katie knew they must have suffered similar humiliations themselves. They were being fed high-fibre instant oatmeal by the nurses, a sort of thin porridge. The nurses preferred the girls to stay “regular,” to fit in with the Institution’s daily routine. Katie had been told that being a knicker-wetter meant that she would be placed on a different diet today. And so it was to turn out.

“… Your turn now Katie,” announced Nurse Petra, walking towards Katie with a high medical-type table on wheels, which she rolled up to Katie until it stood just in front of her, with the top of the table at about the height of the top of Katie’s head, level with her beautiful blonde hair. “I’ll be back in a moment,” Nurse Petra said, as she turned away with a confident swish of her blue starched nurse’s uniform. She returned a few minutes later, carrying a large, empty glass water dispenser with a tap at the bottom and a screw-on circular metal lid at the top, and placed it on the floor. Nurse Petra unscrewed the lid and placed it on the floor next to the dispenser.

Katie watched with increasing apprehension, through her white lacy knicker eye frames, breathing in her own urine with every breath, wrists restrained tightly behind her, as Nurse Petra, assisted by Nurse Bernadette, went one by one to each of the three breakfasting girls, had them rise off their chairs high enough for the nurse to remove the white plastic commode bowl from beneath each of their seats, carry it carefully over to the large water dispenser and pour its contents directly into the dispenser, before returning the now empty bowl to each girl’s commode. Bowl by bowl the water dispenser was filled up in this way, with the dark golden liquid from each of the three commode bowls, the morning urine offering from each girl. The dispenser was large but was still only about two-thirds full, when Nurses Petra and Bernadette brought over two more commode bowls and filled up the glass water dispenser almost to full. The nurses carefully lifted the now-heavy glass dispenser onto the top of the table, with the little tap facing Katie.

The girls looked over towards Katie. Katie looked back, seeking help or at least support, but their eyes seemed dead, Katie could detect no emotion in them. Katie moaned internally, “What now?” she enquired of herself, “What are they going to do to me now?” Katie reflected on her embarrassing “accident” yesterday, on the difficulty she had had sleeping last night, with each wrist and ankle bound to a different corner of her uncomfortable bed and with her wet knickers worn over her head all night, on her new plastic knickers, on her urine-filled dreams, on her status as an inmate in “the Institution”.

“What will become of me?” she wondered to herself, “How long will I be here? How will I survive?”

Nurse Petra intruded upon her thoughts, telling her, “All right Katie, this is what’s going to happen to you by way of punishment. Your accident yesterday caused a lot of inconvenience, was childish and showed that you hadn’t read the rule book properly; we don’t want that to happen again, do we?”

Nurse Petra did not wait for an answer and continued, “Your food and drink today will consist only of the contents of this urine dispenser, which as you may have seen consist of the morning wee wees of the other girls, topped up with Nurse Bernadette’s and my own morning pee, all freshly-produced, lovely and strong-flavoured and all combined into a this special mixture, so you remember this lesson for a while. Remember that everything we do here is for your own good, and to ensure that when, or if, you are ever released you will only leave bornova escort as a perfectly-behaved, obedient girl. While you remain in our care, these lessons will ensure that you cause the nursing staff minimum inconvenience while we carry out our important work.

By the way,” continued Nurse Petra, “we will need to remove your eyesight today to ensure that you are focused completely on your treatment.”.

At this, Katie suddenly tensed up, with sheer terror and started to tremble violently. Katie spluttered through the gusset of her urine-soaked panties, “Remove? Remove my sight? What do you mean? You can’t do that! Oh God, no! Please, no!”

“Be quiet Katie!” asserted Nurse Petra, “Let me finish…”

She continued, “We won’t be removing your sight permanently, you silly girl, not on this occasion anyway, but we will rearrange your knickers over your head so that the bottom will completely cover your face and eyes with white cotton so that you will be living in a calming world of white to help you focus on how to improve. We will insert ear plugs too, so that your world will be a world of white silence, intruded upon only by the taste from the rubber tube which will lead all of our morning urine directly into your mouth, your disobedient mouth, via a tiny little slit we will cut in the rear of your panties for the tube to pass through. You can stop the flow of urine any time you like, simply by blocking the tube with your tongue for a while, but you will not be freed until you have consumed the entire contents of the dispenser. The moment you loosen your tongue the flow of urine will continue.

While your punishment is continuing, we will be removing the lid of your commode and cutting off your plastic knickers so that when you need to pee you can just pee into your own commode bowl. Your golden pee will then have been twice-filtered, first by our bodies and then by yours! We will remove your commode bowl from time to time as it fills up and store your liquid in case we need it again soon, although fresh is usually better if it’s available in sufficient quantity.

Do you understand Katie?”

Katie could not speak, her nerves were jangling tense from when she thought they were going to remove her eyes, she needed time to calm down, but she looked at Nurse Petra, and nodded her head in assent. The other girls, at the canteen table, had heard everything, but were looking away, seeking to stay as removed as possible from Katie’s terrible humiliation and punishment. The other girls were experiencing a challenging enough time themselves; they did not have the psychological mind space to become too close to Katie’s miserable situation.

The two nurses proceeded to set up their patient in the way they had promised, and soon Katie’s head was covered white, her ear plugs cut off the world of sound, her plastic knickers had been cut off with medical scissors to allow her private parts direct access to her white commode bowl, and her bindings kept her limbs strapped tight onto her chair.

With her patient ready, Nurse Petra turned on the tap, and the relentless flow began. Katie, alone and utterly defeated, felt the first pourings of female morning urine, warm, strong, salty, foreign, intrusive, drain into her mouth, down into her throat and deep inside her young defenceless body. Katie could not help but imagine what it must have looked like as the morning pee had flowed out of the private parts of each woman into the white bowl under their commode. Katie visualised the pussy lips of each woman parting slightly as the pee came out. As she saw this in her mind’s eye, she felt her own pussy quiver and her clitoris tighten with excitement; her nipples were erect again under her nightie. It would be a long day; there were many litres of urine for Katie to ingest.

“So, this will make me a better person they say,” thought Katie to herself in some despair at what lay ahead of her; but she realized that the nurses were right: she would surely never wet her knickers again if this was the consequence.

As Katie began her long sentence in her silent, closed-off world, Nurses Petra and Bernadette busied themselves with taking the other girls back to their cells. This done, Nurse Bernadette excused herself to Nurse Petra to go and carry out duties elsewhere, bostancı escort leaving Nurse Petra completing some record-keeping in the canteen, where poor Katie remained, otherwise alone. But, Nurse Petra was studying her punishment victim.

Katie’s vision consisted of nothing more than translucent white cotton. She couldn’t see through it at all, though she could perceive differences in brightness. It was like being in a dense white fog, with no perception of shape or distance possible. The combination of her white world and its ear-plug-induced silence focused her senses on the intense taste of the other women’s urine being remorselessly poured into her beautiful mouth. She sucked and swallowed, trying not to think too hard of where her sustenance had come from, knowing that she had no choice at all but to take it all into her innocent body.

Katie did not understand why, but each sip of the strong-tasting waste liquids she was consuming seemed to make her nipples more erect, and her erect nipples seemed to encourage her clitoris to stand out too. She did not realize that Nurse Petra was, silently, making similar observations.

To Nurse Petra, Katie’s head was like a white ball with blonde hair flowing out of the back, and with a brick-red rubber tube connecting the white ball’s mouth with the dispenser tap. Although Katie had been drinking for a while now, the level in the large glass dispenser had not lowered significantly, Nurse Petra noticed, it would be a long, difficult day for Katie’s mind and for her body.

Nurse Petra noted that Katie’s nipples were erect through her nightie, and she looked appreciatively at Katie’s naked pussy area seated on the commode seat above the still-empty commode bowl. Katie’s pink, glistening pussy lips were visible in the centre of her light brown pubic bush, and her pubic hair, being relatively short, could not hide the tiny pink head of Katie’s clitoris, peeking out between her vaginal lips. Nurse Petra was transfixed by this sight: she wanted to touch Katie’s nipples through the taught cotton, she wanted to lick the tip of Katie’s clitoris, she wanted to plunge her face in between Katie’s thighs and lick her beautiful pussy to violent orgasm.

But, to do such things would be against Institution guidelines, deeply inappropriate and, after all, Katie was in the early stages of a severe punishment for wetting her underwear and inconveniencing the staff, so how could Nurse Petra even be thinking of such possibilities! And the girls of course were not even allowed orgasms except on the few special release days which the Institution occasionally arranged to ensure the girls did not fall too deeply into complete insanity, at least not too soon.

In her white cotton world of piss-drinking, shame and humiliation, despite her hard and desperate nipples and clitoris, Katie was entirely oblivious to all this. In fact, she was not even aware that Nurse Petra was in the room.

She did not know that Nurse Petra was closely watching her begin her long day of punishment, nor that the nurse was lusting after her nipples and pussy. She could not see that Nurse Petra’s hand was placed up and inside her blue nurse’s dress, inside her nurse’s recommended thick white cotton high-waisted panties, nor that Nurse Petra’s fingers were frantically rubbing her own excited pussy and clitoris. Katie would never know at what moment Nurse Petra’s powerful orgasm caused the nurse to double up on her chair, to writhe in violent private passion and face-reddening pleasure and almost to scream out, but to stifle her lustful screams just in time, to tumble off her chair onto her knees on the hard linoleum floor, fingers still deep inside her knickers, and finally to fall down completely flat onto the floor where she lay gasping as her convulsions eased.

But you, dear reader, can be told that it was the moment when Katie’s first gush of new pee, well, the other women’s strong-tasting morning pee now recycled through Katie’s body, came flowing out of her pussy, out from the innocent girl’s most intimate parts and sprayed noisily into her white commode bowl; that was the moment which triggered Nurse Petra’s colossal orgasm.

As she lay recovering on the cold linoleum floor, so close to the oblivious Katie’s quiet and passive world of white and wee, Nurse Petra realized the extent to which Katie’s lower nakedness, suffering, shame and humiliation thrilled her. She would make sure personally to supervise Katie as much as possible, she thought to herself, and hopefully other opportunities to enjoy Katie’s suffering would arise.


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