Sisterly Seduction of Samuel Ch. 06

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AUTHOR’S NOTE AND A WARNING TO READERS: Contains certain kinky elements, so please make sure that you’re okay with the tags before reading. If you’ve read the previous chapters, I wouldn’t say this one is any worse, but it does include some pee-play, so be aware of that! Also, the series is very anal-sex-focused and Zoey remains a vaginal virgin at this point, so if you’re put off by that, this story probably isn’t for you.

It is a work of fiction, and all of the characters in the story are above the age of eighteen.

All of my work – including this one – is copyrighted.

Furthermore, I am taking reader’s suggestions with this series. If there’s something you’d like to see included in the future, let me know in the comments or by private message. Let your wishes be known and I’ll see what I can do! The story will have at least four more chapters before completion.


During the bus ride home, some lady had been staring at Zoey with wide eyes. Her hair and clothing still had some semen splattered across it, leaving subtle yet visible stains. The brother-and-sister couple had done their best to them under her sweater, which certainly helped a lot, but didn’t completely erase the evidence of their fun but naughty experience in the woods. So when they arrived back home, they immediately headed for the bathroom, and Zoey hid her speckled clothes as far down as she could in the laundry basket, hoping that her mother wouldn’t notice anything out of the ordinary when she washed them. Doing her own laundry would be far too suspicious, as she had never done that before.

“She won’t notice anything, right..?” Zoey asked her older brother nervously as she stood naked on the bathroom tiles, next to him. She shifted nervously back and forth in the spot.

“I really don’t think so, sis. And besides, there’s some grass stains and other dirt all over your clothing too, so if she confronts you about it, just make up some excuse.. That you fell in something? I don’t know..”

Zoey nodded. She probably worried too much about it. In truth, it was not the disappointment and wrath of her mother that she feared the most – even if she would find out about her activities with Samuel, Zoey would stand by him – but rather how much it would hurt her older brother if they were discovered. It would devastate him, and their family.

Samuel looked down at her cute and round bottom, and Zoey blushed – but felt strangely pleased with herself for making him stare at her like that. She smiled up at him, and turned around so he’d get an even better look, feeling slightly horny again. “You’ll join me in the shower, right?” she teased him, looking over her shoulder and biting her lower lip as she stared into his eyes. He simply gave her a hungry look, got rid of his own clothes, then grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

Samuel turned on the water, making sure it was warm enough for them both to enjoy, before getting in. He kissed her softly under the falling water drops, and hugged her as she put her arms around his neck. She was happy there, in that moment. And it was because she was there with him. Zoey was overjoyed by the fact that Samuel seemed just as happy to have her in his life. In such a short time, she had managed to not only seduce him at last, but also manage to earn his love in the process. She felt beyond fortunate, and couldn’t be more grateful. Being his girlfriend was even better than she had ever dreamt it would be. He held her tight against his body, his manly and hairy torso pressed against her soft feminine frame. It felt wonderful.

“Do you pee in the shower sometimes?” Samuel suddenly asked. The question came out of the blue, making her giggle, but it still made her feel put on the spot.

“Uhm.. Occasionally..” she mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed now, looking at him with her gentle eyes. “Not very often though!” She blushed profusely. Her brother looked surprised for a second, before he began to laugh, while kissing her neck. “Stop laughing at me! Don’t judge me, Sam!” she exclaimed, slapping his arm playfully and pouting her lips.

He gave her a naughty grin. “I don’t judge. I do it too, sometimes. I was thinking of doing it right now..”

Zoey felt her cheeks blush again. “B-But I’m in here.. You can’t aim anywhere near me..” Her brother continued grinning, and suddenly she felt very small. “Wait, what are you..?”

Samuel took a step backwards, towards the opposite wall of the shower, which provided a better angle of his target, holding his cock directly towards Zoey. “We’re under the running water anyways, sis! You probably won’t even notice!” He winked at her. He really was about to do it. Zoey stood there, in shock, with wide eyes, feeling the water drops falling all around her as he pointed his rod at her.

“Samuel..” she tried. But he kept aiming towards her, his manhood slightly erect by the thought. It was such a naughty thing he wanted to do, but at the same time, her brother seemed kıbrıs escort so playful and eager, that it made her feel a bit excited. “I.. Uhm.. I’m not sure if..” She kept staring at his cock. “Sam! Only on my lower body, okay? No higher..”

“Why don’t you turn around and stick your butt out, and I’ll pee all over it!” he teased her. “That would be hot..” he added after a long silence, seeming lost in thought.

“Really?” she exclaimed, blushing furiously again. “Why do you always convince me to do these perverted things?”

“Why? Because it’s working,” Samuel said, smirking at her.

“Stop it..” Zoey muttered quietly, still feeling ashamed, but surprisingly turned on. She gave him another pout. He kept grinning like the Cheshire cat. “What if it will be gross..?” she asked eventually, her voice trembling slightly.

“What if you’ll like it!” he countered, and it didn’t sound anything like a question. More like a command, in fact. She felt herself shivering, her pussy growing warm, and her mind spinning with naughty thoughts. Would she really like it? She wasn’t sure, but Samuel seemed to be completely convinced of that.

“Just..” She hesitated, feeling incredibly shy all of a sudden. “Just.. Fine. On my butt, okay?” It was so hard for her to say something like that – but the hardest part was not to agree to it, but rather to put restrictions on the things he could do to her. She just wanted to give herself completely to him, and let him do whatever he wanted. It was scary to think about it like that, but exciting too. She took a deep breath. “I mean.. Unless you REALLY want to.. Aim higher..”

“You mean like on your face?” he teased, and his cock visibly twitched a little bit. “Like right now?” Zoey felt so small and powerless, and she loved that feeling. Her pussy was tingling. The way Samuel said that, and the thought of him peeing on her, made her feel incredibly naughty. And wet! Her brother’s eyes were fixated on her, but her gaze wandered around nervously – looking down at the floor tiles, up into his eyes again, or simply somewhere else.

“N-No.. Don’t do that! Not my face.. Please, don’t!” she mumbled, unable to even look him in the eye while she was begging for his mercy. She felt so exposed and vulnerable. And horny. Zoey couldn’t hide the fact that some wicked part of her wanted him to do it though, and she wondered how much of what she was saying was truthful, and how much was just an attempt to deny her own desires – to keep that door shut, afraid of what might await her on the other side.

“I won’t..” he assured her, his facial expression softening a little. “Sorry if I’m pushing you too far..” He moved closer to her, turned her around, and kissed her neck. “Do you like it when I’m mean?”

“U-Uhm.. Sometimes..” she admitted, and smiled shyly, though she wasn’t sure if he could see it. “Actually.. All the time.” Zoey shivered as he began to nibble on her ear. His warm body pressed up against hers felt really nice, and she stuck her butt out towards him as if by instinct. “I love the way it feels to be yours completely, Sam.. To do whatever you want..”

“Then why are you resisting?” he asked, his tone very playful. He groped her breasts, pinching her nipples, and his warm cock was pressed right into her butt cheeks.

She let out a moan. “You make me feel so good.. And I love pleasing you.. B-But I’m a little scared sometimes, okay? You can’t blame me for that! This is all new to me, after all..” Zoey knew that this was sort of an excuse. She couldn’t put into words just how excited she could get by his urges sometimes. He had a certain power over her, and it was like whatever he wanted to do, she automatically also wanted to do. Just to please him.

“You’re allowed to say no, and to set boundaries,” Samuel said, suddenly sounding significantly more serious. “I hope you know that..”

Zoey hesitated, but decided to voice her feelings honestly. “B-But I don’t actually want to say no.. Because whatever you want to do, I kind of also want to do. I just need a few minutes sometimes to realize that..” She wiggled her bottom against him. “I like feeling small in your hands, Sam..” Her face felt very hot. “I don’t ever want you to stop taking control of me like that.. Just.. M-Make me do whatever it is you want..” She took a deep breath, then added: “Like right now. With your peeing thing..”

Samuel stopped caressing her body. His hand slid down until they were resting on her hip, while his cock was still poking at her from behind. The hot water continued to fall all over their naked bodies, but she didn’t feel like it was cleansing her. Instead, she felt dirty. It was so naughty! She couldn’t believe she had actually said those words aloud! And then he turned off the shower.

“Stick your butt out more..”

“O-Okay..” she mumbled quietly, but she liked being obedient. She bent forward a little more, giving him even better access to her round bottom. “Like this..?” Her voice trembled. “You turned kırıkkale escort the shower off just so I could feel it more..?”

“That’s exactly right,” Samuel answered, in that sweet tone of his which made her melt inside every time. It felt really hot and erotic now – and when he took hold of his manhood, aiming towards her round bottom, Zoey’s heart leapt into her throat. She gasped softly, feeling nervous again. Her legs shook. Her pussy was so very wet now.

“Samuel.. This is.. So embarrassing..” she whimpered quietly.

“Why? Because you’re afraid you’ll like it?” he teased, while grinning widely. She could hear the arousal in his voice.

“M-Maybe..” she responded, and then gasped as she felt his warm pee landing on her skin. Zoey’s mind went into a million different directions at once. It felt weird, but not unpleasant – the warmth was soothing in a way. To her surprise, it seemed incredibly intimate! It felt so dirty, but it sent a tingling sensation through her entire body. She was standing there, naked, and with her butt sticking out – just for him to relieve himself all over her. It was perverted, but at the same time extremely hot. She shuddered again, letting out a moan as she felt more of his warm liquid landing on her skin, slowly coating her behind with a thin layer of it. The smell of his urine tickled her nostrils and made her head spin.

“Feels good?” he asked, and he sounded extremely satisfied. Almost proud of himself.

“Y-Yes.. It does feel nice, Sam..” she admitted, blushing all over. He was marking her with his naughtiest scent and she thought there was something extremely primal about that. She could hear his breathing, ragged and unsteady, obviously turned on by this scenario – and that made it all so much better.

“That makes me really happy..” he murmured, and Zoey smiled at his words. “Bet you regret not wanting it in your face now..” he chuckled, and she blushed deeply as she heard that, because maybe he was right. It was so incredibly erotic, the way his warm manly pee coated her. She closed her eyes, a shy smile creeping across her face.

“M-Maybe next time..” she said softly, feeling embarrassed again, but excited as well. She just couldn’t get enough of her brother! His body, his words, his touch – everything about him drove her crazy. It was all so much, and yet it still wasn’t enough! She wanted to submit to his desires in every possible way. Nothing he had done to her so far had truly felt like it was ‘too much’ – everything had left her satisfied and wanting more. Her butt was dripping with his urine and suddenly she felt silly for having been scared in the first place. “Your peeing thing feels really good, Sam!”

“I knew you would enjoy it!” He was smiling wide, and the last of his golden liquid ran down her crack, making her shiver slightly, and feel super horny at the same time. She bent forward a little bit more, offering up her ass, wondering if he’d do more to her. But he didn’t. Instead, he grabbed the shower head and rinsed her off, while his warm pee washed away down the drain, the evidence of their naughty experience vanishing just as swiftly as it had appeared.

“Let’s wash you extra carefully now, hmm?” he suggested, grabbing a bottle of body-wash with one hand and pulling her closer to him with the other. He placed a little kiss on her forehead and softly murmured: “Thank you for doing that for me..”

She felt so proud of herself that it made her quite emotional. “Did you really like it?” she asked shyly, as Samuel squeezed out a generous amount of the soap onto his hands, then began rubbing it all over her skin.

“Oh yes!” he replied enthusiastically, without hesitation. “Does that make me weird?”

“N-No..” she whispered, closing her eyes in pleasure as he worked his hands all across her back, chest, belly and butt. “It’s so nice to be wanted by you..” she added softly. “And I love that I can turn you on..”

Samuel paused his motions and grabbed her by the neck gently, making sure to have her full attention. “You will always be wanted, sis.” he assured her in his most loving voice possible. “Always.” She could tell that he meant it from the bottom of his heart. She turned around in his arms, and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, their tongues dancing with one another’s, while holding him tight around the neck. He placed his hands around her lower back. They stayed like that for a long time; brother and sister – but also a couple of lovers – locked into a tight embrace.

— 2 —

The next morning, Zoey nearly stumbled over the suspicious box in the hallway on her way to the bathroom in the morning. Still with eyes barely open, she had not paid attention to it – but that changed after she bumped into it. It looked inconspicuous enough, sitting there outside of Samuel’s door. But what could it be?

A few minutes later, Zoey paused by the entrance to the living room, where her mother was sipping her morning coffee, while watching some talk show. Her kırklareli escort father was over by the kitchen table instead. It was unusual to see them separated like that. Had they been arguing?

“Good morning Mom! D-Did you.. See that package outside Samuel’s bedroom?” She asked, feeling a little bit anxious and nervous about it.

“Yeah, it was on our doorstep this morning. He must have ordered something online, honey. I didn’t want to wake him up, so I left it outside his room.” She paused, and took a deep breath. “Is Samuel really all you can think about lately?” Her tone felt a little frustrated, and slightly accusatory.

Zoey almost blurted out ‘Lately?’ because Samuel had been her top priority for as long as she could remember. But she realized her mother might still be a bit suspicious of them spending so much time together. In the past, Zoey had always clung to him too, but he’d make it a point to go into his room or out with his friends without including her, so he got some space. But now that they were a couple – an actual couple, as crazy as it still sounded to her – there was far less of that. Yet her parents would never accept that Samuel was the love of her life, if they were to find out. That hurt, considering how pure and real their feelings for one another really was. It really should have been celebrated rather than frowned upon.

“Well, you know me mom..” Zoey giggled nervously. “Samuel is my big brother, but he’s also my best friend in the whole wide world!” Her mother stared at her, like she didn’t buy any of it. And she didn’t. It was strange to try and act innocent in front of your own family. They had a bond unlike any other, after all.

“Soon you’ll be off to college, Zoey. Your whole life will change. You’ll meet new people, make new friends, find new interests and focus on studies and work. Maybe you’ll even fall in love with someone. And Samuel will be far away. Don’t you think it’s best you’d keep a little bit of space between the two of you? If for no other reason, just to make that transition easier?” She sounded very serious now, and that made Zoey feel uneasy. Plus she hated the thoughts that her mother put into her mind. She had been worrying about this ever since her and Samuel started dating. That once summer was over, she’d go off to college – alone – and Samuel would be somewhere far away, being busy with his own life. It terrified her to even entertain those kind of thoughts, but it also felt so close that she could practically taste the reality of it. Time passed by so quickly.

“I don’t want to think about that, mom..” Zoey said honestly, but her voice betrayed her by revealing how hurt and afraid she felt. What if their relationship would suffer from being so far apart? She’d give up anything for Samuel, even college if she had to. But she knew he would not be happy with that, and that he’d feel extremely guilty, so it was not a good solution.

Her mother nodded, as if to say ‘there’s your answer’, but didn’t say anything in response. Instead, she sipped her coffee and turned back towards the TV screen, likely feeling like she had won this round. Maybe she had.

— 3 —

When Samuel came downstairs a couple of hours later, he had a big grin on his face. Zoey’s parents had gone to work a long time ago already, and she was lounging in the living room, playing some mindless mobile game, but paused it when she saw her older brother was awake.

“Good morning, Sam!” She said, in her most bubbly voice. “How’d you sleep?”

“Really well, thank you.” he answered, then pulled her in for a hug. She snuggled up against him happily, holding onto him tightly while his hands gently caressed her hair. It felt really nice. She loved his scent. His warmth. His arms. His hands. He meant everything to her, and the thought of having to leave his side when going to college at the end of the summer still lingered in her mind, gnawing at it painfully.

“I got us some new toys to play with.” Samuel revealed with a devilish look, which made Zoey feel like the air had left the room. She swallowed audibly, then looked up at her brother, with her big eyes, trying to read his expression. He seemed almost giddy about this.

“W-What do you mean? What.. Toys?” Zoey asked nervously, unsure if she was ready for whatever he might have planned. His grin widened. He paused for dramatic effect.

“You’ll see! Want to come to my room and find out?”

She gulped, but felt excited by the thought, knowing full well that something sexual was waiting for her inside that bedroom. Her heart skipped a beat as she nodded, and she could tell from the way he looked at her that Samuel enjoyed her nerves. A naughty, warm smile crept across his lips. He gave her an affectionate pat on the butt, then let go of her, and together they walked to his bedroom.

The box was standing on top of his bed, opened up. She could see it had quite a few things in it. At the top rested a pair of handcuffs, complete with pink fuzz around the metallic parts. Next to that, a butt plug with the base shaped like a heart, with a gemstone in the center. It was not huge, but definitely not small either. A few tiny bottles of lube sat next to that, with different coloured labels, as well as some other things that she did not recognize right away.

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