Teressa Ch. 02

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Readers, Teressa Ch. 1 was short and a bit rushed, so I decided to add a bit more dialogue and explanations to this chapter. I like to keep my chapters short so that there are more of them in the end. If anyone would like to see longer chapters, comment, and I will revise accordingly.

With that being said, I hope you all enjoy this second chapter of Teressa.


I must have fallen asleep on the couch because my phone ringing woke me from my light sleep. I looked at the caller ID and it was Justin. Ugh. I answered anyway, just in case he tried to come over or was already here.

“What do you want Justin?” I asked, irritated.

“To talk please babe, don’t hang up.” He pleaded with me.

“There’s nothing to talk about Justin.” I sighed, exasperated.

“We need to talk about us Liv, please.” He begged.

“There is no us. It’s over. I will never take you back. And oh yeah, I fucked someone else today, so yeah. Fuck you, Justin, go fuck your whore.” I clicked end and slammed my phone on the couch.

I rubbed my temples, feeling a slight headache starting to arise. It had been an insane day, with so much that had happened, I couldn’t quite wrap my brain around it all.

That morning had been a shit show, sneaking out of some loser’s shared party house. That I could manage to understand, but Teressa? I was overwhelmed by it all, by her. I had heard of it and even seen some light BDSM being played out in a porno. But I had never expected to be a part of it myself.

I thought back to the moment she asked me to be her slave. What did that mean and what did it entail? I didn’t know if I liked the idea honestly. Not to mention I still had one of her toys inside of me still. I blanched, completely forgetting about the butt plug.

The doorbell rang just then, and I flew to the door about to rip Justin a new one when Teressa’s face appeared in the doorway. My mouth hung open in shock.

“Surprised to see me?” She smiled, baring her white teeth.

“Y-yes, I am. I thought you were the loser ex.” I said.

“Well, I’m glad I can pleasantly surprise you, may I come in?” She asked politely.

This day kept getting more and more weird and eventful.

“No problem.” I stepped aside and waved her in. “Have a seat, make yourself comfortable. Want anything to drink?” I asked politely.

“Got any beer?” She asked and I smiled.

“Sure thing.”

I handed her a beer and sat in a sitting chair across from her. She had tight black leggings on and a cute, cropped tank.

“So, I’ve got some explaining to do.” She took a swig from her bottle, raising an eyebrow in my direction.

“I was actually just thinking about, stuff.” I chuckled nervously and took a swig from my own beer.

“Oh yeah? Like what exactly?” She pried.

“Well, I don’t know much about BDSM and all that.” I stopped for a second, chewing my fingernail.

“Uh-huh?” She prompted me to go on.

“You said you wanted me to be your slave? What does that mean?” I questioned.

She laughed. “You don’t have to be. That’s why I asked. You can just be my playmate or more? It really doesn’t matter to me, as long as I get to play with you again.” She spoke.

“More?” I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and looked down nervously.

“Not like a girlfriend or anything.” She laughed again and I laughed along with her.

“Yeah, not a girlfriend. I just mean what else is there besides being your slave?”

“You could be my rope bunny, bratty sub, things like that.” She said nonchalantly.

I briefly wondered what she had against having a girlfriend. Was it just me she wouldn’t date, or anyone? I looked down again nervously.

“What are you so nervous about? I just ate your pussy like it’s never been eaten before and now you won’t even look at me.” She had a smile on her face, but her tone was serious.

“I’ve never done anything like this before.” I said honestly.

“I could tell. I was thinking maybe we start slowly and then you can decide what you want to be to me. Is that okay with you?” She asked.

“So I wouldn’t be your slave then?” I asked, confused.

“Look, I’ve had slaves before and you’d be a great one, but I’m starting to think maybe you’re not slave material and we start slower.”

“Okay, so what would that entail?”

“You ask too many questions you know.” She stated.

“I’m sorry it’s just been a long day and a lot has happened. I’m a bit overwhelmed.” I said matter of factly.

“I’m sorry. I know your ex can’t be helping either. I hope I haven’t added to your stress. That’s why I came. I felt bad after shoving you out the door after sex. I really did have an appointment.”

“Yes, I’m overwhelmed, but you didn’t stress me out or anything. This is all just very new to me.” I spoke.

“Well, I hope you had a good time. I also came to tell you it’s time to take your plug out. Need help?” She asked.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot.” I laughed and she laughed along with me.

I stood and she followed me to my bedroom. I started to feel a small knot of anxiety Alsancak travesti form in my belly.

“Sorry about the mess.” I told her when she followed me in, eyes scanning my room. There were a few scattered clothes, and my plant was dying, but aside from that, it wasn’t awful, thankfully.

I sat on my bed and turned on a lamp I had covered in a red scarf, so the room was filled with a red hue. Bright lights hurt my eyes.

Teressa walked around my room, looking at my stuff and smiling to herself, before finally joining me on the bed.

“I like your room, nice aesthetics. Although your plant needs a bit of water I’d say.” She chuckled, pointing to my poor plant.

“Yeah, I know I’m a terrible plant parent.” We both laughed and then she leaned in and kissed me.

Slowly at first, exploring my mouth with her tongue, the tip tracing my lips. I kissed her back eagerly and felt my pussy getting wet. She pushed me down and kept kissing me, getting on top of me. She slid my dress over my breasts and massaged them with her palms. She bent down and suckled at my nipples, which grew hard in her mouth. I let out a small moan.

“You like it slow like this?” She asked, and I nodded letting out another small moan.

She kissed her way down my belly and pulled my dress down and off. She grabbed my panties with her teeth and pulled those off too. I shook slightly in anticipation when I heard something and looked down. She was opening a tube of lube and putting a liberal amount in her palm. She rubbed her hands together and gently massaged the tissue right below my pussy. I panted and rocked my hips toward her.

“Haven’t you had enough today greedy girl?” She smiled and I sucked in air as she pulled the plug slightly in and out, getting it lubed up.

I shut my eyes and braced for the pain of the apex of the plug. It didn’t feel like much while it was in but putting it in and taking it out wasn’t exactly pleasurable.

Teressa kept massaging and pulling slightly and then she bent down and pulled it out with her teeth. She smiled around the jewel, from the end of the plug and dropped it onto the floor.

“I’ll leave you to clean that.” She winked and waited for my nod of approval before looking away. She bent again and replaced my panties, using her teeth to pull up the hem of them, then placing my discarded dress on my lap.

“Just in case you want to put that back on.” She teased. The whole thing was one big tease, and I was throbbing, my thirst unquenched. My hunger felt insatiable. My pussy felt like a small mouth, opening and closing on its own, waiting for something to enter it. I felt grateful for my toys for once that I rarely used.

She could see the wheels turning in my head and she laughed her tinkly laugh once again. It filled the quietness of the room.

“I’ll leave you to it then?” She mockingly asked.

I sighed heavily and flopped back onto my bed, which elicited yet another laugh.

“If you must leave me in this state, I guess I’ll survive. Maybe I should call Justin?” I teased.

Her eyes darkened and she became serious.

“Don’t do that.” She said broodingly.

“I was kidding. I’d rather have three butt plugs in at once.” That broke her from her serious state, and she laughed along with me.

“You’re weird, I like it.” She walked to the head of my bed and bent to my forehead, where she left a kiss. She didn’t even let me walk her to the front door, she just walked right out, leaving me throbbing and frustrated.

When I heard the front door close, I ran to the bathroom and opened the cabinet under the sink, looking for my bag of sex toys. I found them and was grateful the batteries weren’t dead. I headed back to my bedroom and sat on the end of the bed, spreading my legs wide. I took my small dildo and slid it right into my hungry pussy, it welcomed it right in, no struggle. I reached for my vibrator and clicked it on low and placed it on my clit. I rocked my hips back and forth against my dildo and kept my vibrator in place.

I was starting to reach my climax when I thought I heard a door shut. I was so close to orgasm that I ignored it and kept going. I started to moan louder and rock harder. My climax reached its peak and I screamed out.

“Teressa, fuck!”

“Teressa? Who the fuck is-“

I instinctively jumped and tried to cover myself at the same time and ended up on my side on the floor. I screamed out in terror, as Justin burst through my bedroom door.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” My words rushed together in a way that matched my frantic scrambling around looking for something to cover me. Luckily my dress was in reach, and I quickly threw it over my head and straightened it out down my body. I got to my feet and kicked my toys under the bed.

“You’re alone?” Justin demanded, walking to my closet and ripping the doors open, ruffling through my hung clothes.

“Okay, Justin you need to get the fuck out now.” I tried my best to stay calm but felt my blood pressure rising. This day couldn’t get any more eventful and Alsancak travestileri I was exhausted.

“Liv please, just tell me what’s going on? Who the fuck is Teressa? Isn’t it that one lesbian chick you told me about?” He questioned.

“That’s none of your business. And what’s going on is that I’ve had an extremely long day and I need you to leave now. I don’t have to explain anything to you, just get out. I will call the cops next time, I’m so serious Justin.” My voice started to raise.

“For what babe? I live here and this is our bed and you’re fucking someone else, aren’t you?” His voice started to rise as well, and I knew what was coming if I didn’t put a stop to it.

“Get. Out.” I spit through gritted teeth.

He saw the look on my face and started to back away, while still pleading his case.

“Tell me who it is. Please Liv, just tell me who it is. Do I know him?” He suddenly looked so hurt and his voice lowered. I saw a remnant of the man I fell in love with or thought I had fallen in love with.

I lowered my voice too and ran my hands through my hair. “Justin, please just leave. If you want to talk, can we at least do this tomorrow when I’ve slept?”

“Just tell me.” He pleaded and grabbed my hand. “Who is it?” I took my hand from his and looked down.

“It’s a girl.” I stated.

“A chick? You’re fucking a chick? Teressa?” He looked exasperated.

“Yes, we’ll talk about it tomorrow, now out.” I pushed him towards the door and he reluctantly took a few steps.

He walked to the door, hand on the handle. “I love you Livvie, no matter how badly you or I fuck up, I will always love you.” He said, opening the door and leaving. Knowing I was banging a girl and not a guy, clearly made him feel a bit better.

I felt a small fissure in my heart grow a little bigger. It had started when Justin cheated. I did love him, but after all that had transpired, I could never see us getting back together.

I locked the front door and walked to my bedroom, collapsing onto my bed and falling right asleep.

When I woke the next morning, sunlight streamed in through the cracks in the blinds. It shined over my smooth legs, making them look soft and touchable. I felt well-rested thankfully. Finals were right around the corner, and I needed to study.

As I showered and got ready for the day, the previous day’s events shuttered through my mind. I scrubbed my face and sighed heavily. So much had happened and I didn’t even know how to process it all. Justin showed up twice, once while I was masturbating and Teressa. I was masturbating to the thought of Teressa’s mouth on my pussy. My pussy started to throb in response to thinking about her.

I also told Justin I would talk to him today, which means if I didn’t call him, he’d just show up again. I half considered moving to another apartment. But with finals and my work hours cut short, I just didn’t have the funds. This train of thinking made my head hurt.

I thought of Teressa again and my pussy grew wet. I grabbed the showerhead and leaned against the shower wall. I spread my legs and prayed the water directly at my pussy, the hard water battering my clit around. I imagined Teressa pushing me down and taking my butt plug out with her mouth. Then her mouth smothering my pussy with its warmth and expertise. Her tongue jetted in and out of my pussy. My legs started to shake, and I moaned out loud. I threw my head back as I started to climax and screamed out when it reached its pinnacle.

I placed the showerhead back and ran my hands over my face again. I wish I could have stayed in the shower forever. I had an immense amount of studying and homework to complete in the next couple of weeks. But I knew if I worked hard enough, I could get it done and have some free time. I wanted to see Teressa again.

Our conversation from the previous night made me feel better about the whole thing. But she had teased the hell out of me and left me throbbing for her. The shower had helped dissipate some of the need for her, but I couldn’t help but desperately want her still.

I walked to my bedroom and got dressed and ready. I didn’t have work, so I decided first I’d call Justin and then study and get some homework done. Most of my classes were online for the semester. So, I spent a lot of time on my bed with my laptop. Justin used to sit with me sometimes and help me type when my hands and eyes got tired. That small fissure in my heart felt huge sometimes. It was the little things about Justin that made me miss him sometimes. But I could never allow myself to feel sympathy for him, for what he did to me.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He answered on the first ring.

“I’m outside, can I come in?” He asked in a rush.

I threw my hands up into the air, exasperated. Of course, he was outside.

“Justin seriously? How long have you been here?” I asked irritated.

I heard a knock at the door, and I decided not to fight him and just let him in. I walked to the front door and opened it to a huge bouquet Travesti alsancak of beautiful flowers. He knew me well, an assortment of different colored roses. I was a basic rose kind of girl.

He lowered the bouquet and there was his smiling and handsome face. I started to question my decision; it was a terrible idea to talk.

“Come in Justin and put those on the counter, thank you.” I tried to keep my tone neutral. I didn’t want to sound callous, but it proved to be difficult. “Okay, let’s do this.”

“Can you try not to make it seem like I’m some sort of monster?” He turned from placing the flowers in a vase with his hands up.

“After what you did to me Justin, you are a monster in a way. Did you forget about what you did, or do you think you can just sweep it under the rug?” I paced and chewed on my cuticles.

“Please just sit down with me and let me explain myself.” He begged.

I shot him a look of contempt and plopped down in an armchair across from the couch. I pointed at the couch for him to sit. He walked over and sat across from me.

“Explain away Justin.” I waved my hands dramatically.

“Look babe, I fucked up, okay? I let this girl get in my head and she was just all over me. Me and the boys went to this frat party, and she literally was all over my dick babe. I was so fucked up and we took this shit, and I don’t know. I can’t believe I did this shit I can’t lose you baby. You’re my everything, my world.” He ran his hands through his thick hair and sighed.

“Justin.” I sighed too and shook my head. “Did you forget calling me in the middle of the day to tell me you found true love and you were moving out?” I looked at him expectantly and he rolled his eyes.

“No babe, I was still fucked up trust me, that shit we took fucked me up for days. That’s why I didn’t come home for a few days, I was staying with Tristan, you can call him and ask right now. She wasn’t there. Not the whole time anyways.”

“Oh my God, you can’t even keep your story straight. You know damn well you sobered up and kept her around because you liked her. I’ve seen you around girls so many times and I know how you act. I’m done with this conversation.” I stood up and he stood up and crossed the room, grabbing my hands.

“No baby please, just give me another chance please?” He tried to hug me and I squirmed out of his grip and walked to the kitchen.

“Please leave Justin, I will never give you another chance. I’m sorry. I will always have love for you, we were together for so long. But you threw it all away for some party slut. While I’m sitting at home busting my ass trying to graduate so we can get a house and have a future one day. You just threw it away.”

I felt that fissure grow bigger again, and I put my hand to my chest. I turned away and hid the tears sliding down my cheeks. I had been working so hard for so long for us. I thought he was too, but this was what he wanted instead. Maybe he didn’t necessarily want to fuck it all up, but he did and that’s all that mattered.

“Don’t cry Livvie baby, let me hold you please. I’ll wipe your tears and we can take a nap and talk about this more when we wake up. Please.” He pleaded so well I almost gave in. I wanted to give in, I wanted him to hold me and tell me it would all be okay. Tell me all the hard work I put into this relationship would pay off and we’d have kids one day and a big house. But I couldn’t give in to that desire, I just couldn’t allow myself.

“Leave Justin. Don’t call again. And do not show up here again.” I kept my tone hard and clipped.

He surprised me when he listened, and I heard the door open. I turned to watch him leave when he turned around too. He was crying and his voice was thick.

“Livvie, I will always be here, and I meant what I said last night. I love you so much. Please just take some time and think about stuff, okay? I’m not going anywhere.” He walked out and shut the door gently behind him.

I looked at the flowers he bought me and I broke down and started sobbing, sliding down the counter and onto the floor. We’d been together since high school, he even bought me a promise ring our senior year. And before we started college together, we vowed to get married a couple of years after graduation. That way we could get our degrees, work, and save money for a house. We had everything planned out together.

Sophomore year is when I started to see a change in him. He made new frat friends and he started partying more. I noticed him checking out other girls when we’d eat out or walk to lunch between classes. I think that’s when the fissure started to really form when I knew he was changing, and I wouldn’t be in his future and he wouldn’t be in mine.

But I loved him so damn much, and it hurt so damn bad. I wailed like I had experienced death because I had. The death of Justin and me. The death of a beautiful relationship that had lasted so long.

Suddenly there were arms around me, pulling me into them. I knew the familiar smell, it was Justin and I let him hold me. I let him scoop me up and carry me into my room, where he set me on my bed and held me there. He wrapped around me, his smell, his touch. I couldn’t stop crying, I sobbed into him and he shushed and rocked me. I let him. I needed him at that moment, and I knew I’d regret it later and we’d have to discuss it, but I couldn’t help myself.

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