The Presentation

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Jack looked up from his desk to see Kate weaving her way through the office towards him. She was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt with a bolero style jacket over the top, and he thought she looked very smart. Not that she didn’t look good in pretty much everything, although to be fair he’d only seen her in a work setting. They’d been working closely together for the last six months and he’d come to appreciate her precise, calm manner, evident in everything she did. He had on occasions wondered if she made love in the same manner or did she turn into a wild child.

Not that he’d ever find out, she was married, as evidenced by the wedding ring ever-present on her ring finger, and although she sometimes seemed a bit distracted when he’d mentioned her husband, he had no reason to believe it was anything other than a happy union.

He’d barely come across her in the large company they worked for until six months ago, when they’d been paired to lead a project together. It was the largest deal that the company had ever bid for, to build and run on a turnkey basis a medium sized hydro-electric plant in Spain. Jack was the ‘technical’ lead, being an experienced engineer, and Kate was finance and personnel.

They led a large team putting the bid together, and had ultimate responsibility for getting it right. As far as Senior Management went, that meant winning the deal, success was presumed and Jack did wonder sometimes if that was a fair presumption as there were plenty of other consulting engineering firms around, all of who would dearly love the contract and times were tough in the industry, everyone desperate to prove their green credentials.

She stopped at his desk and he asked, “All set?” She nodded. “How do you feel?”

“Nervous, apprehensive, excited and prepared,” she responded, perching on the corner of his desk, one long denim encased leg swinging over the edge. “You?”

“Pretty much the same, it’s been a long road and it’ll be nice to reach the end of it, especially if we win the deal, sorry that should be when we win the deal.”

“Where’s your luggage?” she asked, looking around his desk.

“Left it in the car,” he replied. They were flying out that afternoon, with their presentation to the Client’s Board the next morning, and were staying over that night as well as the outcome was due to be announced immediately following the presentations. The main technical presentation had already been despatched and confirmed as meeting the required standards, this was an opportunity to re-inforce why they thought they should be the ones to build and run the plant.

“Me too,” she said, “couldn’t see the point in lugging three suitcases up here only to have to drag them back down again.”

“Three suitcases!” Jack exclaimed, thinking of his one small case, “Just how many clothes do you need?”

“Well, there’s my office clothes, my beach clothes in case we get a window for some beach time, evening clothes, casual clothes, not forgetting a couple of LBD’s. ‘Little Black Dresses’,” she clarified as his eyebrows shot up. “Come on Jack, I thought you’d got to know me by now, I’ve got one small case and some hand luggage, probably less than you.” Jack doubted it, but even though he knew she had a wicked sense of humour at appropriate times, he’d fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

“Right, let’s get a move on then.” He packed the papers he was reading into his laptop case and stood up.

“My car or yours?” She asked.

“Mine, I’ve already pre-booked the long-term parking under my registration.” Together they walked out of the office, accepting the well wishes of the rest of the team and down to the car park, collecting her solitary case from the boot of her car and putting it in his. He grinned to himself as he saw hers was marginally bigger than his. “LBD my arse,” he muttered to himself as he got in the driver’s door and set off.

Kate looked over at him as he concentrated on negotiating the traffic on the way to the airport. She was glad she’d dressed informally for the journey, especially after seeing him in chinos, a button down shirt and a jacket at his desk. He was always so….. ‘proper’ was the only word that came to mind. Sure he was obviously a highly competent engineer and could manage his staff well and nothing ever looked rushed or half finished, nothing out of place. Bet he didn’t even fart in bed, she smirked, imagining Mr Super Cool letting rip between the sheets. Unlike her husband.

Her mood soured as she thought of him and the unsatisfactory way they’d parted. They’d rowed the night before, he accusing her of not caring about their marriage, work always coming first, and what he called the ‘endless nights away’. Twice in the last three months including this one, the biggest chance of her life, and he begrudged her that.

The rows had become more frequent, coldness replacing the love that they once had in abundance for each other, indifference now the norm. They’d had the obligatory sex the night before, well he escort had, she knew it was coming, he always wanted one last fuck as he called it. She’d gone to bed before him, hoping he’d be late up and had put on her usual tee shirt nightie and a pair of panties, and had settled down in bed, hoping to be asleep before he came to bed.

Instead he’d pretty much followed her up, had gone into the bathroom, peed and farted loudly in the en-suite then had emerged into their bedroom looking down at her. He’d stripped off, his cock already at half-mast and had slipped into bed beside her. Although she’d feigned sleep, she had known he knew she was awake. She’d felt the bed shake as he’d rubbed his cock into a full erection and then he had started.

She’d known exactly how it would pan out and it had. First he’d pawed her breasts through her nightie, roughly groping them. Then a hand underneath, mauling them and pinching her nipples hard. He’d pulled the hem up above her breasts and sucked them into his mouth, that at least was pleasant, if only he’d be like that all the time. A hand down the front of her panties, through her sparse trimmed pubic hair, even that he wanted her to shave to ‘look sexier’, his fingers finding her pussy and pushing straight in, wriggling and curling up inside her.

Off with her knickers, fingers sawing in and out of her pussy, then he’d mounted her, his body between her opened legs and forced his prick inside her. It had hurt a bit but she knew better than to complain as he had thrust hard between her legs. Four or five minutes of grunting later he’d cum, filling her with his revolting spunk and rolled away, to fall asleep within minutes. What once had been a beautiful act of love between them had been reduced to a simple animalistic rutting that she gained no pleasure from.

She’d lain there, unsatisfied and feeling used. She had realised she was idly toying with her pussy, her fingers dabbling in the cum that was seeping out of her and she’d pulled them away, then on an impulse pushed her hand back down to her clit. Slowly she had started to play with it, the pads of her fingers just circling round, then brushing over it, causing a frisson to run through her. Why couldn’t he make her feel like that she had wondered, as her button hardened and her fingers flicked at it, sending fresh shivers across her body and a surge of pussy juice from inside her.

Her other hand had found her breast and teased her nipple, connected somehow to her clit judging by the tingles that were travelling from one to the other. Faster and faster her fingers had rubbed her clit, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her, then she had felt her breathing getting more rapid, that feeling beginning to glow deep within her stomach, rising upward. She’d imagined making love to another man, kind and considerate, as her orgasm began to rise within her, suddenly bursting out as she’d gasped for breath and her body convulsed. Anxiously she had looked over at her husband, but he was still snoring, and pulling her panties back on, she’d turned away from him and tried to sleep, tears welling up in her eyes.

Jack looked across at Kate as he drove, his eyes flicking down to where the seat belt was tight between her breasts, outlining them. They looked nice he thought, not too large, but enough to make a man happy. He pushed those thoughts away, they were on business, it wasn’t a holiday and he had no illusions as to any romantic interlude. Still they were nice.

He recalled a couple of days previously, he’d been at his desk working and she’d come across, leaning forward over his desk. He’d looked up and saw that her blouse was gaping open and he could see right down to her stomach, a bra encased breast quite plainly visible. He’d looked away immediately and didn’t think she’d noticed him looking, she’d made no attempt to close the gaping blouse, and he tried desperately not to look again. But still, the sight remained in his memory. Unconsciously he adjusted his cock and focussed again on the road.

They arrived at the airport and boarded the shuttle bus from the car park to the terminal, checking the boards for their departure gate. They’d checked in on-line the day before so all that remained was to drop off their luggage, which they did and made their way to the lounge. Business Class travel entitled them to some benefits, and it was pleasant to go and sit in comfort away from all the hustle and bustle of the terminal.

“Drink?” he suggested as they went in and sat down.

“Were you thinking tea and coffee or something stronger?” she asked. In the past they’d attended several works events and he’d never noticed her drinking anything other than soft drinks, but then she’d have been driving.

“Well I thought I might have a gin and tonic as we’ll be getting a taxi at the other end,” he said as she agreed to join him. They settled in with their drinks, savouring the refreshing taste of the gin.

“That hits the spot.” he said, continuing, escort bayan “Does your husband not mind you being away?” He was surprised when she pulled a face, and stared into the distance. “Sorry, have I touched a nerve?”

“More like full blown grievous bodily harm. Let’s say he’s totally pissed off. Mind you that’s sort of normal for what passes for our marriage these days.” Jack looked at her, embarrassed at having opened what was clearly a painful subject. He was contemplating how to change the subject when she continued, “To be honest I can’t see us lasting much longer. Anyhow, enough of my troubles. Shall I get us another drink?” She drained her G&T and held out her hand to take his glass which he handed over, watching as she strode over to the bar, returning with two full glasses.

As she returned Kate berated herself, why on earth had she opened up to him like that? They’d never done the personal chit-chat before and although she knew his wife had died a couple of years before, he’d never mentioned it. She sat down and apologised, but he’d said not to worry and they’d left it at that.

The flight was called and Kate allowed herself to be led to the gate and they boarded, settling down in side-by-side seats, and fastened their seat belts. At least the lap restraints didn’t accentuate her boobs like the car seat belt, she’d been conscious of the way she’d looked in the car on the way to the airport, and by the way he’d adjusted himself, so was he. Mind you, he’d got a good look at them a couple of days ago when she’d been at his desk, she hadn’t been aware of it when she bent down, but when she realised where he was looking, she was surprised at herself not doing anything about it. Tits were just tits after all, and they hadn’t been bare.

The flight was pleasant, and encouraged by the two large gins she’d had in the lounge she had some wine with the meal which helped to pass the time until landing. Immigration and baggage reclaim were relatively painless, as was getting a taxi and they were soon checking in at the hotel. “Yes, we have two rooms for you, they are next door to each other and do have a connecting door, which of course can be locked from either side,” the Receptionist intoned, clearly suddenly unsure as to their relationship.

“She obviously thought we were here on some romantic tryst,” observed Kate, suddenly regretting the way the alcohol had loosened her tongue as they arrived outside the room doors which were only a few feet apart. They unlocked their respective doors and went in. Kate was pleasantly surprised by the room, it was really nicely decorated and had a spacious bathroom and a big double bed. As she looked around there was a knock on the connecting door, which she unlocked and opened.

Jack stood there, behind him an identical room but in a mirror image. “How about we freshen up then meet for a drink in say an hour and find some dinner?” he said, peering at his watch. Kate found herself agreeing then shut the door again, making sure to lock it, although she wasn’t quite sure why. It wasn’t as though he was going to just open it and come in and ravish her was it? Although the idea did suddenly have some attraction!

Putting those thoughts to one side she unpacked, hanging the couple of dresses in the wardrobe and putting other items in drawers, until she was satisfied everything was in its proper place. Then she stripped off and went into the bathroom. Shower or bath was the next question? She preferred showers but even with a shower cap her hair did tend to get wet, so bath it was. She ran the bath and got in, finding it a little too hot, but decided just to wallow in it.

A lovely warm glow began to permeate her body and she found her mind wandering, thinking about her husband, perhaps she should just divorce him? They had no kids, they’d just never got round to having any, Kate didn’t feel particularly maternal and perhaps her husband was right, her career did come first.

Thoughts of Jack intruded, she imagined he’d be a good husband, careful, solicitous, but perhaps she needed something a bit racier, someone who would rip open the connecting door and ravish her. She found her hand was softly stroking her pussy, the sensation very comforting and she contemplated masturbating, but that was ridiculous, she was a grown woman not some sex mad twenty-something.

Dragging herself back to the present, she sat up and washed her body, running her hands over her breasts, wondering how Jack’s hands would feel, caressing them, kissing her nipples. Abruptly she stood up, gave her pussy and bum a good wash, then sat back down to rinse off. She got out of the bath and dried herself then slipped on the hotel’s white fluffy bathrobe. It felt delicious on her soft tingling skin as she went back into the room to put her make-up on.

She dressed in some sensible panties, no point putting any racy ones on, she was only dining with Jack, it wasn’t a date and wasn’t going to end up in a passion filled night, and bayan escort then a plain bra. She went to the wardrobe and selected one of her dresses, a LBD with a round neck and coming down to her knees. A few dabs of perfume and she was ready.

A thought struck her, she’d not told her husband she had arrived, she contemplated calling him, but decided to send him a message to say she’d arrived safely. She confirmed that the message had been received and put her phone on charge, just as there was a knock on the connecting door. She unlocked the door and opened it to allow Jack in, he was dressed smartly and she was glad she’d made the effort to put something nice on. “Ready?” he asked and together they went down to the dining room.

It was a pleasant evening, they talked about the next day and a bit about work generally, but not a lot about their private lives. Kate couldn’t help but notice how easy Jack was to get on with, and the evening passed quickly. Neither had too much to drink, mindful of the importance of the next day, the presentation was going to be in the hotel they were staying in and they were scheduled to begin at 10 o’clock in the morning.

When Jack suggested an early night Kate was only too happy to agree and they made their way back up to their rooms, stopping outside her room door. They stood for a moment, facing each other and it seemed to Kate that Jack was trying to decide something in his mind. She took the initiative and stood on her tip toes and clasping him by the upper arms, reached up and kissed him on the cheek. “Sleep well,” she heard him say as he turned to his own door and opened it, disappearing without a backward glance. Should she have invited him in, she wondered? To do what? They’d had coffee in the restaurant and clearly anything more was not on the cards. Best keep it professional she thought as she allowed her door to close behind her.

Kate went to her phone and looked at it, the little ticks hadn’t turned blue which meant that her husband hadn’t read her message. Typical, she thought as she wondered where he was and what he was doing. Surprisingly she found she didn’t actually care. She removed her make-up and went into the bathroom to pee and clean her teeth, and returned to her bedroom to get undressed, taking her dress off and hanging it up, then releasing her breasts from her bra. She massaged them, grateful for the freedom, and felt her nipples harden slightly under her touch. She contemplated putting a nightie on, she’d brought a nice one, but she loved the feeling of crisp fresh linen on her skin and decided to sleep without one, but left her panties on, slipping into bed, relishing the sensation.

She snuggled down in the bed and tried to relax, it was a comfortable bed, but it did feel a bit big just on her own and mischievously she thought that perhaps she should have invited Jack to share it with her. Where had that thought come from? She pushed it to one side but her mind wandered back to him, what was he doing not four feet from her? Was he asleep already? Knowing Jack he was going over his presentation again.

She tried to clear her mind of everything, to relax and let sleep overtake her, but it wouldn’t come, tossing and turning from side to side she began to get frustrated and annoyed, she’d feel like death warmed up in the morning if she didn’t get some sleep and she’d let Jack down. Jack? Why did she keep thinking of him? She turned on her back and felt the brush of the crisp covers on her nipples, sending little tingles through them.

She reached up and cupped her breasts, just running her fingers over her nipples, fresh tingles coursing through her and unbidden she felt a little trickle in her pussy. Glad I wore the panties, she thought as she dropped her hands to adjust their fit, smoothing out the front across her mons. She could feel the crinkle of her pubes beneath the material and then her clit. Automatically she gave it a little tweak and felt another trickle inside her.

Unconsciously her fingers stroked down her slit and back, just pressing in lightly, returning to rub against her clit, tracing little circles round it. She cupped a breast, this time squeezing her nipple, pinching it lightly and tugging on it. Another trickle of pussy juice, well more of a surge really, and she slipped her hand under the waistband of her panties, and down to her slit, running her fingers along it, feeling the wetness seeping from her. How was it that she could get so wet herself, but her husband couldn’t make her wet?

She found that she was running her fingers up and down her slit, spreading the slickness, her fingers sliding easily. A gentle push and she had one inside her, the sensitive nerve endings in her pussy sending a little quiver through her body. She pushed it in as far as she could feeling it deep inside her, then added a second, her pussy stretching round them. Not as good as a cock, she thought, remembering how good it used to be with her husband, and wishing she’d packed one of her toys, the ones he didn’t know about. He’d go ballistic if he found them, she had contemplated bringing one, but worried that airport security might detect it. Imagine the embarrassment if they made her open her case in front of Jack.

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