Things Heat Up Pt. 02

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Author’s Note:

Thanks for the good comments on my first submitted story. Extra glad you enjoyed the slow build up. Constructive feedback is always appreciated. I really enjoy reading what people think of my story.

This picks up directly after the events in Part 01.

All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.

Thanks to vmkc for helping sort some issues out.


I entered one of the small shower stalls and pushed the button to get the water flowing. Sarah, still in my arms, jumped and shrieked as the cold water hit her. She pushed hard into me in a futile attempt to get away from the downpour that hit our still warm bodies. It took mere seconds for the water to reach a more suitable temperature but she kept holding our embrace. As I lowered her legs she clung on to me, both arms around my neck. She hung there, our eyes level and we kissed.

Then the water stopped flowing and just seconds afterwards the same happened some stalls over as I heard Thomas curse.

“I hated these frigging showers back in school and this is one of the reasons.”

“But our shower buddies are better than back then.” I answered and pressed the button to get the water back on.

“This is actually your old school? I bet you looked really cute in the showers back then as well,” Sarah said looking straight into my blue eyes. “But a lot smaller.”

“A lot smaller,” Amanda said with a laugh, “And not so hard.”

I grabbed Sarah’s arms and slowly dropped her to the floor. Sarah wriggled a little, not wanting to let go, which made my hardening cock slide in between her legs. When it came up to her crotch it slid along the lips of her still damp pussy.

“I think so too.” Sarah said hoarsely, quietly just for my ears.

I felt a shiver down my spine. The glow in her green eyes and the goose bumps on her forearms confirmed she felt it too.

“Damn!” Thomas cursed again and only seconds later the water in our stall stopped as well.

Sarah, now with both feet down on the tiled floor, turned around to start the water. She grabbed the bottle of liquid shower gel on the little shelf and poured some in her hands.

She turned back around and started to rub it on to my chest and stomach. I reached around her for the bottle and started to return the favor. Soon we were a windmill of flailing arms. As we kept lathering each other we both seem to stay away from our private parts, only increasing the tease, but when she tip toed and stretched up to reach my hair I couldn’t resist to let my hands drift around to her small taught ass. She must work out a lot I thought.

“You really enjoy them!” Sarah said with a little wink in her eyes as our eyes met.

“Small things you know.” I responded adding a little squeeze with my hand. “They’re a snugly fit.”

“Talking about snugly fit,” Another wink. “I’d really like to but I’m still a bit tender from earlier but there is other ways I can assist you.”

“I’m fine with that. And happy to oblige the service.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate you being so gentle with me.”

“Well, I’m a gentleman.”

Again the water stopped flowing. No cursing from the other stall this time. Instead we heard a loud voice came from looking room.

“Hey guys! I’m from security. You have about 15 minutes before the lights, and the hot water, shuts off and another 15 minutes before the alarms triggers the exits. So please get your asses out of here before that. Thanks a lot and sorry to bother you.”

“Reality is a bitch.” I said as I released Sarah from my arms and began to step out of our stall. Her hand grabbed mine and I turned back around.

“I’m sorry!” Sarah said and reach up for a kiss before letting me go.

As I switched stalls I saw Thomas do the same. I also noticed Amanda rose up from being down on her knees. The agonizing look on Thomas face and his rock hard dick spoke plenty.

“Sarah, you ready yet?” Amanda said stepping out of the shower after a few minutes.

I couldn’t help admiring her body as she dried off. She was around 5’8” and I guess just shy of 130lb. Her long dark hair reaching down to and framed her breasts. They were quite big, but showed almost no sag at all, with small but still erect nipples placed just above the center of her roundness. She had a slight hint of a gut on an otherwise flat stomach or perhaps it just looked so by the accentuated dip of her belly button. Her hips flared out a little giving, along with her slim waist, her whole figure the neat hourglass shape so many, both man and woman, desire. Her slender firm limbs and buttocks showed that she wasn’t a stranger to the gym; Yes, she was a real stunner.

Then I saw Sarah step in to my view. She stopped right beside her friend, her back facing the showers. Besides a few moles, her skin seemed spotless. There was no sign of any tan-lines across her back even if some of it would have been hidden under her blond hair. But her exquisite butt showed off more of it, especially as the wetness added a little contrasting effect. She was short, ByCasino around 5’4”, and couldn’t weigh more than 110lbs remembering how she had felt in my arms. Her shape was slender but with straight shoulders, breasts situated high on her torso and a slim waist it still gave her the distinct shape of a woman.

She turned more sideways and cast a glance towards at me. Her motion made her ass and hips pop out a little. It also gave me a perfect profile of her upper body. The smoothness of her small triangular breast was only interrupted by the protruding of her areola and nipple. It looked like they would fit perfectly inside a martini glass. My traveling eyes must have been noticed cause when I meet her gaze she smiled and batted an eye.

“I’m off to the dressing room.” Amanda said and headed for the door.

“I’m right behind you,” Sarah responded, “My towel is still too wet to dry with anyway,” and started to follow Amanda. Her lithe body looked even lither compared to Amanda but she surely ticked all of my boxes. She paused just before the door, turned her head towards us and said.

“Hurry up boys, we don’t wanna get you locked in.”

“I’m right behind you.” I said with a smile before stepping up behind Sarah and kissed her lightly on her shoulder.

“Me too.” Said Thomas and grabbed his towel. He quickly jumped in front of Sarah, twirled the wet towel and snapped it towards Amanda. The crack didn’t hit Amanda’s ass but the sound made her jump anyway.

“You’re just like you were during middle school.” I said.

The response from Thomas came directly. “Guess this room brings it out of me.”

“Again, blaming the room.”

We both laughed but the ladies didn’t get the pun from earlier. They just kept going towards the door leading out to the gymnasium and their own dressing room.

“First pair out waits for the other huh?” Sarah asked before I saw her body slip out of view.

“Of course!” Both me and Thomas said in unison.


We quickly dried off, got dressed and packed our stuff. Just when we were about to exit our locker room the lights went dark. I lighted the small lamp on my cellphone and we exited out into the corridor. There we saw the security guy waiting in the corridor just next to the front door.

“Are you all done?” He asked. You could hear he wasn’t angry about our indiscretions. More amused.

“The girls not out yet?” Thomas asked looking down the corridor towards the women’s locker room. My gaze went the same way.

“You wanna borrow my flashlight to go and help them?” The security guy asked.

None of us had time to respond before we saw some lights moving in the small crack under the door and shortly afterwards they both stepped out and join our little group.

“We’re so sorry.” Amanda said towards the security guy. You couldn’t see it in the dark but the ‘puppy eyes’ was heard in the tone of her voice. “Thanks for alerting us. It would have been real awkward getting locked up in here.”

“No problems,” the security guy answered with a chuckle. “I often had to hurry the old ladies in that Yoga-class out of here so this was actually an improvement.” You could hear a tone of smirk in his voice. “But I guess that’s canceled or something.”

“I believe the instructor has broken something.” Sarah said.

Again, we laughed at the irony of Sarah’s words.

“Now get out of here before the alarm clicks in.” The security guy said.

“Thanks yet again.” Amanda said as the door shut behind us.

“No worries.” He said before stepping in to his idling patrol car and drove away.

“So, you guys come here often.” Amanda said with a faked manly voice as we slowly walked across the school yard towards the parking lot.

“We do this almost every Saturday” I responded.

“And what do you do afterwards?” Sarah asked at the same time as she took one of my arms, lifted it up around her shoulders. The closeness felt nice in the cold air. “The night is still young and so are we.”

We had reached our cars and the walk was over.

“We usually continue out for drinks and something to eat.” Thomas said while opening his trunk and placing the bag inside.

“Sounds nice, you want some company?” Sarah asked with a little ‘beg’ in her voice. She also accentuated the question by grabbing around my neck and hugging me. I didn’t need to see her green eyes beckoning me. I felt them.

“I think that could work. Right Patrick?

“Of course!” I responded.

“But we both need to fix ourselves up some beforehand,” Amanda said. “When and where?”

“I made reservations at the bar ‘Public’ for 7 o’clock. Does that sound OK?” I said.

“What’s the time now?” Sarah asked.

“It’ s just after 5:30, so we should be able to get ourselves somewhat decent. How about you?” Amanda said running through her hand through Thomas hair and ruffling it even worse than our hasty departure had managed.

“It won’t be easy,” Thomas replied. “But we will do our very best.” He grabbed Amanda by the neck and drew her in By Casino for a quick kiss.

“Better hurry up then.” Sarah said before she pecked me on the lips and slipped out of our embrace.

She picked up some keys from her bag and her car, a two door Audi, blinked twice and unlocked the doors as she pressed the button.

“Nice ride.” I said.

“Yes it was,” She replied as she bent over to place her bag in the backseat, “Hope to do it again,” before she sat down behind the steering wheel.

“See you at seven.” Amanda said as she rounded the Audi and stepped in beside her friend.

The car started and quickly pulled away with two short honks of the horn. Both me and Thomas stepped in to his car and looked at each other.

“Guess we need two more seats.” I said with my cell phone in hand.

We both swiftly raised our eyebrows and laughed quickly at the little sign, before Thomas turned the ignition and the dome light went out. We knew each other well.


Me and Thomas arrived at ‘Public’ just as the clock reached 7. The place, a medium sized bar with plenty of good beer, both on tap and bottle, as well as Scotch, wasn’t as crowded as usual. Mainly dinner guests already seated at the tables but it was still early and it should probably fill up later in the evening. It usually did. The greeter, Lisa, met us with a big grin on her face.

“What are you guy’s up to this evening? A table for four all of a sudden?” She said as she gave us both each a friendly hug.

As this was one of our regular watering holes and our town wasn’t that big such a question actually made sense. Lisa and I had even dated some so she knew us inside and out.

“Just show us our tables or the tip will suffer.” I said.

“Wanna check in your jackets?”

“No, we can hang them by our table.” Thomas answered.

“Ah, I see an early exit in the near future.” She retorted with a generous smile and started moving towards our table. We nodded some hello’s to both the staff behind the bar and to some other customers as we followed her.

“Hope so!” Thomas said.

I blushed a little as I met Lisa’s questioning look. “Yeah, I hope so too.”

“Good for you guys,” she said sincerely as we reach our table. “Want something to drink while you wait?”

“Yeah, I’ll have a dram of Ardbeg 10. And a Brooklyn lager, on tap.” I said.

“The same beer for me. But make my scotch a Lagavulin, will you darling.” Thomas ended in a failed attempt to sound Scottish, probably Sean Connery.

“I’ll let the housemaid know, my lord.” Lisa said and faked a courtesy bow before leaving us.

We hadn’t more than hung of our coats and sat down before Douglas, the owner, came with our drinks.

“Hey guys, good to see you! Hope you won’t mind but I took a chance and altered your order a little. Owners prerogative you know.”

He put down two glasses of cold beers, two snifter glasses with a dark golden color and two small glasses of water, each with a spoon in them, before us. We raised our glasses to him and took a swig of the cool beer.

“Ah nice!” We almost said in unison.

“It’s a new local brewed Pale Ale I just installed on tap. You like it?” He was eager to get some feedback cause he knew us to be honest regarding our beers and whiskies.

“Yeah its really good.” Thomas said.

“Will suit the season really good,” I said lifting the snifter and eyeing it thoroughly “And this clearly ain’t a Ardbeg.”

“As little as this is a Lagavulin.” Thomas filled in lifting up his dram.

“Try it and I’ll come back later to see if you can figure it out. But now I think I exit left and let you enjoy your company.” He gestured towards Lisa who was approaching us with two stunning ladies in follow. Guess they hadn’t know exactly what to wear cause they both where a little overdressed for the casual mood of this place. But by the way of heads turning in the room one knew they made an impression.

Amanda had a dark red short sleeved dress that fit her like a glove. It had enough cleavage to show some of her ample bosom but without being too explicit. The same with the length. It showed just the right amount of her fine toned legs. She had a clutch purse and high heeled shoes that matched the dress.

Sarah wore a shiny light top, the neckline hung from her shoulders showing most of her collarbone and upper torso. It almost looked ready to fall off a shoulder anytime. It ended just above the hem of a black pencil skirt so a thin sliver of her toned body showed as the top moved with her motions. The skirt, also thin and in a shiny material, ended between mid-thigh and her knees. A pair of high heeled black shoes, more strings and laces than shoes, accentuated both her calves and ass. As she came closer I noticed a thin silver chain with some kind of pendant hanging around her delicate neck. It somehow drew attention towards her proud breast. Clearly no bra under.

“And here is your stunning gentlemen for the evening.” Lisa said as we stood up and greeted them both with a pair By Casino Giriş of hugs.

I reached out and took Sarah’s coat and what I assumed was a shoe purse, those shoes weren’t meant for walking outside in November. Before I turned to hang them beside my jacket she leaned in for a kiss followed by a hoarse whisper.

“You need me to pinch you?”

When I turned back Lisa had just helped Sarah’s take a seat before she went to help Amanda with the same. Thomas meanwhile had taken her jacket and hung it over his own. We sat down and were both met by two striking appearances.

Lisa interrupted and asked if the ladies also wanted something to drink.

“What are you drinking?” Sarah asked me and took a small sip of my beer. “Ah good, but I think I want something fresher than beer.”

“Me too!” Amanda concurred. “Absolutely no beer for me.”

“Why don’t you let Anna surprise them.” I said to Lisa before they could say more. Guess my words stunned them both long enough for Anna to take it as a yes and left us alone. But not quite discretely as she gave us both a grin and two ‘thumbs up’, behind the girls backs. Both me and Thomas smiled at her shenanigans.

“What was that?” Amanda said as she swatted a hand at Thomas.

“Nothing.” He said.

“Yeah absolutely nothing” I concurred and smiled towards Sarah.

She mock frowned her face and reach for the snifter glass in front of me. “What’s this?”

“Its whisky.” I answered.

“You don’t say.” Sarah winked back as she lifted the glass to her nose and drew a small sniff.

“You like whisky?” I asked a little befundled at her cunning approach to the golden spirit in the tulip shaped glass.

“Not a huge fan but some are quite nice. Not this though.” She said as her face made an impression of a prune to the obviously heavy sherried dram and handed the glass back to me holding it by the stem. As she made the switch her fingers lingered a little extra on mine.

Before anything else was said Anna came and served two Highball glasses to the ladies. They both nodded approvingly as they tasted the drink.

“It’s a twist on a traditional gin and tonic I just picked up.” Anna said with a broad smile.

“You want to have a taste.” Amanda asked Thomas and extended the glass towards him. Sarah did the same towards me. We both took a sip through the straws and nodded. It was good.

Anna left us with a content smile.

As Thomas went in for seconds Amanda took back the glass, “Keep your hands off. This is mine.”

She shot him a big smile at the same time as Douglas approached the table.

“Let me know if these two are giving you any hassle.” He addressed the ladies. “They aren’t as nice as they might appear.”

“Oh we know!” Sarah said with a wink.

Amanda nodded vigorously as she took another sip looking as innocent as she could.

We all laughed at the wondering look on Douglas face. But he quickly found himself and asked if we wanted to look at a menu.

“Not necessary for me.” Thomas said. “I’ll have the 6 oz steak, with fries. Medium.”

“The usual then,” Douglas said and with a mocking wink to the ladies added, “hard to change old habits.”

Amanda was next. “That sounded good so I’ll have the same. I need me some meat…” She stopped abruptly and put her hand to her mouth as if she could put those last words back in. All with a coy smile on her face.

We managed not to laugh as Douglas with a slight awkwardness turned to Sarah. “And for you?”

“I’m not sure,” I saw a smirk on her smile and a glint in her green eyes as she continued, “I also have some cravings for meat…”

I quickly stepped in an attempt to help Douglas as I saw him starting to blush at the innuendos. “Any specials tonight?”

Douglas quickly replied to try and save face. “Well we have a nice T-bone. But it’s for two. If the lady won’t mind sharing…” He was interrupted by our laughs.

Sarah looked over to me and nodded an OK.

“That sounds delicious,” I said. “Medium rare?” I asked back to Sarah who nodded.

“Good, its served with a potato gratin and a sauce on wild mushrooms. How does that sound.” He tried to gain back some composure in his voice.

“Sounds good.” Sarah replied for the both of us as I nodded.

“And to drink?” Douglas was back in his comfort zone.

“Red wine?” Thomas asked while looking around the table. We all nodded?

“You trust me with selecting or do you want Anna to bring you the wine list.”

“We trust you.” I said.

“Then I’ll let you enjoy your drinks.” He said before retiring.

We talked amongst ourselves about our drinks all wondering what really was in the glasses.

Thomas and I disagreed on our scotch while trying to watering it down to fit our palettes, I believing it was an Aberlour and Thomas a Longmorn. The girls where more in unison as they picked out the flavors of the tonic.

“And me who doesn’t like Gin.” Amanda concluded that topic as she took yet another sip and we all laughed a little.

Some small talk about the restaurant followed. We had all finished our drinks and Anna had cleared our table when we began to dance around the real issues a little. But before any longer awkward silences occurred we were saved as Anna came to serve us the wine.

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