Turkish Delight

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It was a family holiday that Jo wasn’t looking forward to. Stuck on a boat with both her parents and 12 other strangers, all as old as her folks, didn’t really seem like her idea of fun. Sure, in theory, it was great. Two weeks cruising the Turkish coastline in the sun, stopping every few hours to swim in a secluded bay, food and drink whenever you wanted it, and best of all it was all paid for by someone else. But Jo just couldn’t get excited. It felt more like going to ‘Parent Camp’ with 24 hour surveillance and no chance of escape. But at least she’d be able to come back with a decent tan.

Four hours after take-off, and another 3 hours on a bus, and Jo, avec family, arrived at the harbour in Marmaris. It was a lot busier than she was expecting, and the smell of fish, herbs, petrol, spices and smoke was overwhelming. It was like walking into a foreign movie. Mopeds beeping, market traders selling their goods, dogs barking and music booming from a bar somewhere down the key, gave the town a vibrant feel and Jo didn’t want to leave.

But turning from the town and facing out to sea and all that was forgotten. Despite the idea of spending time with her parents, the thought of really being away from it all was starting to appeal greatly to Jo, and she was itching to get on the boat.

The Captain, Ali, met the three of them at the bottom of the gangplank, and carried their bags on board. Making sure they’d taken their shoes off (no shoes on boats!) he led them down to their cabins. Jo had one all to herself, and despite it being very small, they had still fit in a double and single bed.

They were the first on the boat and as such it was quite quiet. The boat only held 16, and 4 crew, but it could have taken many more if need be. There were 4 cabins to the front, and four to the back, although most people apparently slept on deck.

The evening trickled on and the other guests arrived. I won’t detail them all here…suffice to say that they lived up to Jo’s expectations of boring old farts with no sense of humour…and not a single young man between them. She went to bed early that night, tired after travelling and never met the rest of the crew, although that didn’t really bother her as she was sure they would all be old like the captain.

She woke early the next morning around 6 am to find that they had cast off early to avoid the rough water. None of the other passengers were up, and despite what she had been told, not one of them slept on deck. Ducking back downstairs, she slipped into her bikini. Stopping to check herself in the mirror before she went out, she was pleased with what she saw. She wasn’t ‘slim’, and she didn’t have long legs, but her curves were in the right places and she had breasts that Dolly Parton would have been proud of. The white crochet bikini did her justice. Slipping a sarong on she left her cabin and headed to the front of the boat.

The hum from the motor blended harmoniously with the splash of the waves, and as Jo sat with her back against the mast, the rocking sent her drifting back off to sleep. A minute or so later, although she could never be sure how long she slept, she woke up cold and in a shadow. Looking up she followed dark toned legs, over dark shorts, past a perfectly toned stomach and up to a face with smouldering eyes and jet black hair. So this was the crew!

“Good Morning, I’m Simi. Pleased to meet you” he said with a cheeky grin breaking on his face.

“I’m Jo. Pleased to meet you to” she replied as she took his proffered hand. Expecting just to have her hand shaken, she was surprised when he pulled her to her feet.

“Come and see” he said as he led her to the very front of the boat. Directing her to look over the front of the boat, he pushed her in front of him and stood behind. In the water beneath them the flying fish were skimming over the waves like sparkling stones bouncing on the water. Watching them go Jo forgot who she was with and as she leaned further over she gave a start as two hands grabbed her waist.

“Careful” She stood back but the hands didn’t leave her waist until another passenger was heard coming up from below. With a wry grin Simi walked away.

At breakfast the whole crew were introduced again for those who had not met them. There was Ali the captain – short, dumpy, wrinkly, blond: Simi – Tall, slim, toned, sexy: Mehmet – Dark, muscley, broody looking, very sexy: Engin, the chef – short, toned, big brown eyes.

Three out of four aint bad! Though Jo over her bread and feta sex hikayeleri cheese. At least I’ll have something nice to look at other than the scenery!

Jo spent the rest of that day up the front of the boat with the rest of the passengers, sunbathing, reading, and listening to her walkman. She soon felt claustrophobic. They didn’t stop their sail until later that day and as such it was too late to swim. That day really dragged, and she hardly saw any of the crew unless someone wanted a drink, and then it was only a brief glimpse.

The evening dragged, and as everyone else was talking pensions and dentures, or so it seemed, Jo left them at the back of the boat and went up front to star gaze. She was amazed by what she saw. Whether it was just the lack of artificial light, or whether it was because she was further south she didn’t know, but the sky was filled with stars. She lay there an awful long time and soon enough she heard people drifting off to bed. It was only when the lights went off over the dining table that she realised everyone had gone. At last she relaxed.

The captain said goodnight as he went down to his cabin, as did Engin and Mehmet. Simi was left to clear up. Aware that he was moving around near her she felt the need to speak, but all words left her. Do you come here often? What do you do? Have you had a good day? All of these seemed so trivial and inappropriate that she said nothing and was content in the silence.

Simi soon finished his work and came and sat down beside her. As he looked up a shooting star passed overhead. It was so clichéd that Jo laughed. Turning to Simi she noticed that he had that same wry smile on his face as he had had that morning.

“If I had asked for a flying star I would not have seen one, but I don’t ask and then I get. Maybe I should stop asking.” He whispered, for sound travels very easily over quiet boats.

With that he too lay down and carried on gazing. Taking Jo’s hand in his, he traced the outline of some of the more noticeable constellations on the palm of her hand as he told her their names in Turkish. She never remembered a single one. After the last one he lifted her hand and kissed her palm. Using her breathing as his guide he carried on, kissing his way up each finger before gently sucking on each tip. From there he moved to the inside of her wrist before casting her arm aside in favour of her neck. Without touching her he brought her out in Goosebumps, as his breath tickled the sensitive skin of her neck.

“Do I need to ask?” He whispered into her ear, and with an almost unperceivable shake of her head he moved his head and kissed her, gently at first and then with more fervour. As his tongue snaked into her mouth, his hands snaked up her body from mid thigh to her breasts with increasing pressure. Finding her nipple through her clothes he squeezed gently and it was only through pressing his mouth to hers that he maintained the silence. Continuing his search, he found the buttons on the front of her top and as he undid each one, his mouth followed, and so he kissed his way from her mouth, down to the hollow of her neck and onto her breasts, culminating in him sucking her now erect nipples through her black lace bra. By this point Jo was writhing in pleasure and her hands were roaming over his taut back as she arched her back, thrusting her breasts forwards.

“We must stop. Someone will see!” She managed to hiss at one point as he pulled away.

“Hmmm?” kiss “Oh yes.” squeeze “Not here.” kiss “Not now.” pinch “I will come to you tomorrow” suck “in your cabin.” and with that he gave her one last kiss and walked back to his own cabin. Feeling thoroughly dishevelled, Jo did her blouse up, and after her breathing had returned to normal she stood up and went down to her own cabin to face what turned out to be a very restless night’s sleep.

The next day Jo moved to the back of the boat to the lounging area by the dining table and near the captain. No other passengers went there in the day, and so she could spread out and not have her sun blocked by the rolls of fat on the old man that she had been sat next to yesterday. She also came to realise that this was where the crew spent most of the day as there was a shaded area by the bar.

Trying to act as nonchalant as possible, she studiously avoided talking to Simi, with the result that Mehmet spend most of morning talking to her. He was well educated, funny and seemed genuinely interested in what Jo had to say. It was he who suggested porno hikayeleri the swim when they stopped before lunch. The only problem being that Jo had a bit of a phobia of the sea, and the thought of getting in the water scared the life out of her. Jo’s parents, however, wouldn’t let her get away with this, and soon she was swimming, accompanied by at least three people, quite happily. After lunch she managed to get in without hyperventilating…progress! She was about to get out this second time when Mehmet jumped in. Leading her to the rocks with her mask & snorkel, he directed her to look down as he dove under. With a few taps of a stone on some coral, a dozen brightly coloured fish appeared. Copying him she had soon mastered the art and was feeling quite at home. She didn’t realise that Mehmet had left her until she looked up and realised she was all alone, and some distance from the boat.

Only panicking slightly, she headed back to the boat. As she neared it however, something grabbed her ankle and she screamed. Spinning around she came face to face with a sheepish looking Simi. A few passengers looked over the rail but most just ignored the noise. Either way she and Simi were fairly secluded in the shelter of the boat. Smacking him on the arm and telling him never to do that again, she turned, and checking no one was looking, pulled him to the front of the boat where it overhung and no one could see.

The sea in this part of the med is very buoyant and it is impossible to sink. With this in mind, Jo leaned her back against the boat and pulled Simi towards her. As she kissed him, he kept them upright, and as his hands leant against the boat, her hands moved down his flat stomach and into his shorts.

She was right…she thought he would be big, and he was. Using both her hands she held his cock, already hard, between them and proceeded to stroke him up and down and around, with alternating firmness and speed. She knew she had gone far enough when his hands slipped and they both lost balance. Breaking the kiss, she swam away and got back on the boat leaving Simi to cool down in the sea. As she sat back down on her towel, Mehmet gave her a funny look, but thinking nothing of it she fell asleep.

She woke to find her sarong over her, and looking around she saw Mehmet.

“You were burning” he stated and walked away. It was nearly time for dinner and so she collected her stuff and went below for her shower. Taking extra care with her underwear, makeup and perfume she thought she looked ok, and then she put the standard t-shirt and shorts on for dinner, as it was still hot in the evenings.

How she got through dinner she’ll never know, and with Simi occasionally giving her ‘looks’ as she ate she wished the time would pass until it was a suitable for her to go to bed. The hours and the small talk dragged, and eventually it was 11 pm and making her excuses she crept off to bed. As she brushed her teeth she heard everyone else making their way to their own cabins. She could hear her parents in the next cabin as they chatted about the people on board and where they were going the next day and soon it was quiet.

She expected Simi soon, but 11 O’clock passed through to midnight and there was no sign. She eventually drifted off into an uneasy sleep, still in her underwear. She woke later, in the pitch black, to the noises of the people in the next cabin making love. The groans were unmistakable and as they carried on and whispered endearments and instructions to each other she felt her own hands begin to caress her body. Moving from one breast to another she felt her nipples harden and as her hands passed to between her legs, she could feel the wetness through her knickers. As the couple in the next room reached their climax, Jo’s door opened, but she was oblivious to the gentle click, and in the darkness no shape could be seen.

It was only when he placed his hand on hers that she jumped. Her Oh! sounded loud to her but it was but a whisper.

“You must be quite” he whispered into her ear, and with a bit of groping around he grabbed a silk scarf that was on her night stand and loosely wrapped it around her mouth. Using the sarong that was next to the scarf he tied her hands too, loose enough so she could escape if she wanted, but tight enough to be effective.

With kissing out of the question, he started on her neck, in turn nibbling on her earlobes and kissing from her neck to her cleavage. Straddling her he lifted her breasts out of the seks hikayeleri bra, pushing them upwards to meet his face as he bent to them. Taking each nipple in turn he sucked them to a point before nipping gently at them, whilst squeezing the other with his hands expertly. As Jo writhed beneath him, she could feel his hardness and ached to get hold of it, but she couldn’t.

Kissing his way from her breasts down her stomach, he reached her panties and with his hands very slowly pulled them off her. Now at her feet he took one of her feet and firmly rubbing it he unleashed shock waves all over her body, before taking her big toe into his mouth. It was something Jo had never experienced before, but it was something she would definitely do again. As he released her foot he kissed his way from her ankles, up the inside of her legs, to the inside of her thighs, where he lingered for sometime before spreading her legs and kissing that point where her legs joined her body. Jolting beneath his mouth she succeeded in moving his mouth to where she wanted it, and as his tongue circled her clitoris, she slowly melted.

His probing tongue, and his hands as he grabbed her arse left her immobile, and helpless to what ever he had to offer. As the pressure on her clit increased she felt his hand move round a finger pushed into her vagina, followed by a second, and then a third. As he pumped with his hand, his thumb was placed over her arsehole, mirroring the action to some respect, and his tongue was on her clit. She had never felt so stimulated, and as she was on the verge of coming he stopped.

Wanting to cry out in frustration, she looked up, but could see nothing in the dark. It was only through feeling the pressure change on the bed that she knew something was happening. The next thing she knew her gag had been removed and he was kissing her as deeply as he had kissed her most private parts, forcing her to taste herself. As he lay full length over her body she got an even better idea of what was to come.

Without taking his mouth away from hers, he lifted her lower half upwards and thrust hard into her. Their mutual cry was muffled by each others mouths. It took a few seconds to become accustomed to his size and even though she was very wet, it still felt uncomfortable to begin with. He started to move very slowly, and as his pace increased he moved his mouth away and back down to her breasts.

Next door, the couple that had been ‘active’ earlier were at it again, and as she called for it to be ‘harder’ ‘faster’ ‘rougher’, so Simi responded in this room. Jo had never thought she’d be turned on by listening to another couple, but she was, and was gagging for more. More of what she didn’t know. Just more.

“Can we try something new” she heard from next door. “Ok, I think I know what you mean…bend over” And Simi copied. Pulling away he rolled Jo over and pulled her onto all fours. Still tied up she was helpless and happy to remain that way. Entering her from behind he felt bigger than before and as he pumped her hard his hand snaked round to play with her clit. By this point she was biting on the bed sheets to keep quiet.

“Take it easy…and use some more lube…it’s quite tight” were snatches of the pillow talk from next door, and just as Jo was realising what was going on, she felt the pace slow and a wet finger enter her arsehole. Automatically tensing, she felt Simi place a hand on her back and a quiet “Shhh, relax, its ok”. As she became accustomed to the felling, he increased his pace again and moved his finger in her arse at the same pace.

Soon she was well relaxed and enjoying the feeling, as a second finger was pushed in. This time she pushed back, silently asking for more. And so with one hand on her clit, two fingers in her arse and a cock in her pussy she came hard and long, pumping Simi as hard as he was pumping her. When she was spent Simi pulled away, but instead of letting go of her completely, he realigned himself and pushed slowly, but firmly into her arse. It did hurt to begin with, but once she had relaxed it was a totally different experience, and soon she was turned on again. This time, with Simi moving steadily in her arse, she put her hand between her legs and pushing two fingers into her dripping pussy she felt him moving in her.

Feeling her movements, he brought his hand round to join hers and added two fingers of his own, leaving his thumb to play with her clit. Jo had never felt so full, and as Simi reached his own climax, so she reached her second, and this time they couldn’t help crying out, albeit quietly.

Pulling away he kissed her deeply and said “Thank you” before leaving. As she lay in the dark un-knotting her ties, she thought maybe this will be a good holiday after all!

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